This study offers an understanding of interactional resilience processes between young adults raised by caregivers who misused alcohol and people in their social-ecology who initiated supportive interactions that enabled them to achieve better-than-expected outcomes. Multiple in-depth face-to-face interviews and a draw-and-write methodology were used with 15 National University of Lesotho undergraduate students raised by caregivers who misused alcohol. An interactional resilience approach, building on person-in-environment and social-ecology perspectives on resilience, informed this study. Using constructivist grounded theory methods of data analysis, three themes were formulated: (a) other-initiated material support that elicits a response of resolve or obligation towards the other; (b) other-initiated sustained emotional support that elicits a response of hope for the future; and (c) other-initiated challenging support that elicits a change in behaviour. Given these findings, the study recommends that child and youth workers and social workers cultivate enabling and support-initiating social environments in key contexts such as schools, churches, and clubs, and develop children and young people’s skills to respond to and receive such support.
- interactional resilience processes,
- caregivers,
- alcohol misuse,
- adult children of alcoholics,
- other-initiated help,
- better-than-expected outcomes,
- draw-and-write
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