International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience
Revue internationale de la résilience des enfants et des adolescents

Volume 7, Number 1, 2020

Table of contents (18 articles)

  1. Introduction: IJCAR – 2020 Issue
  2. Is it better to seek or to receive? A dual-factor model of social support
  3. Est-ce mieux de rechercher ou de recevoir ? Un modèle de soutien social à double facteur
  4. From adverse childhood experiences to wellbeing: Portfolios of resilience

Regular articles / Articles réguliers

  1. Validation d’une échelle de résilience (CD-RISC 10) auprès de mères d’enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle
  2. A Conceptual Model of the Intergenerational Transmission of Emotion Dysregulation in Mothers with a History of Childhood Maltreatment
  3. ‘‘A journey back to my wholeness’’: A qualitative metasynthesis on the relational and sexual recovery process of child sexual abuse survivors
  4. Instagram as a knowledge mobilization platform for youth resilience research: An exploratory study

Thematic articles / Articles thématiques

  1. Thematic section on child and youth complex trauma: Promoting social courage to shift practices, policies and research
  2. Childhood Maltreatment and Risk of Harm to Self and Others: The Role of Sex and Polyvictimization
  3. Mental health Profiles of Sexually Abused Youth: Comorbidity, Resilience and Complex PTSD
  4. All My Relations: Examining nonhuman relationships as sources of social capital for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth 'aging out' of care in Canada
  5. Trauma-Informed Care in Child Welfare: An Imperative for Residential Childcare Workers
  6. Le programme Namaste, une psychothérapie de groupe basée sur le yoga pour les jeunes ayant un vécu de traumas complexes : une série d’étude de cas
  7. Trauma-informed care implementation in the child- and youth-serving sectors: A scoping review
  8. Exploring resilience in the affect regulation of family violence-exposed adolescents: « des fois ça marche, des fois, ça [ne] marche pas »
  9. Adaptation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for cases of child sexual abuse with complex trauma: A clinical case illustration
  10. Implementing trauma-informed care through social innovation in child welfare residential treatment centres serving elementary school children


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