The International Indigenous Policy Journal
Managing editor(s): Adam Bowes (Managing Editor) / Editor(s): Nicholas Spence (Editor-in-Chief)
IIPJ is a peer-reviewed, policy-relevant research and policy journal addressing issues pertaining to Indigenous Peoples throughout the world.
IIPJ has a very specific set of goals:
- To promote evidence-based policy making.
- To encourage quality research based on partnerships with Indigenous Peoples.
- To develop networks of policy researchers and policy makers, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and their communities.
- To improve scholarship related to Indigenous issues.
- To spark debate on important policy issues facing Indigenous Peoples around the world.
At its founding, we felt it was an important time to take up the development of IIPJ because we saw growing similarity in the challenges facing Indigenous Peoples worldwide and yet no dedicated peer-reviewed forum for discussion of these challenges. Whether we look at health, educational attainment, development, social welfare, or any of the many key issues facing peoples of this world, we find important and common concerns being expressed by Indigenous Peoples and their communities. This Journal aims to expose the policy issues related to these concerns by encouraging and giving expression to the very best research, which can then be used as an evidence base to guide policy making. We are also concerned that research and policy be developed in an ethical manner by taking into direct consideration needs and concerns of Indigenous Peoples themselves.
Susan Wingert
Managing Editor
International Indigenous Policy Journal
Western University
London, ON Canada
All articles published in IIPJ are available open access (that is, there is no fee to access the full text of the article) and an account is not required to access the full text of the article.
Back issues (17 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Focus and Scope
IIPJ welcomes scholarly articles that relate directly to Indigenous Peoples and have policy relevance. An article may focus on a single group, community, country, or population, but it must have policy implications or lessons that are relevant to other Indigenous Peoples or countries. Work that involves international comparison is a priority.
IIPJ publishes four types of articles:
- Research articles use a systematic methodology, which should be described in the article, to analyze a specific research question or questions. IIPJ welcomes submissions using historical methods, qualitative and quantitative approaches, and mixed methodologies. Research using Indigenous or decolonizing methodologies are of particular interest. The article structure should typically include an introduction; literature review and/or theoretical framework; method; results or findings; discussion, including policy recommendations; and references. Articles should be less than 10,000 words. Longer papers will be considered under special circumstances.
- Policy articles analyze or evaluate a program or policy. The author(s) may draw upon primary and/or secondary sources. The article structure should typically include an introduction; background, literature review, and/or theoretical framework; analysis; discussion, including policy recommendations; and references. Articles should be less than 10,000 words. Longer papers will be considered under special circumstances.
- Editorial articles provide a short commentary or opinion an issue or policy that may aim to interpret or explain, criticize, or persuade. Editorials must contribute to scholarly discourse. Editorial articles that are simply intended to be inflammatory, libelous, slanderous, or derogatory will not be considered. Articles should generally have fewer than 2,500 words.
- Book reviews provide a brief description and critique of a published work related to Indigenous issues. Authors are encouraged to submit a proposal prior to the completion of the book review in order to ensure the book is not currently under review or outside of the scope of IIPJ. Priority will be given to books published in the last 2 years. See the Book Reviews page for more information.
Peer Review Policy
All submissions will intially be reviewed by one of IIPJ's editors. The editor will decide whether to send the submission on to review or reject the submission without review. Research and policy submissions that are sent to review will undergo double-blind peer review, typically by two reviewers. Editorial and book review submissions that are sent to review will be reviewed by a member of the editorial board or a peer reviewer selected by the editorial board. Reviewers are requested to provide a report that outlines their assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the submission, as well as their suggested revisions. Peer review reports are provided to the author(s), unless deemed inappropriate by the editors. Peer review reports are not published.
Open Access Policy
Open access publishing is an international movement designed to accelerate and improve access to research literature that is often publicly funded as a means to improving the health, well-being, and economic viability of those impacted. IIPJ has adopted an open-access policy to help ensure that valuable knowledge is transferred without barriers in order to effect change among Indigenous Peoples, governments, non-government agencies, and/or researchers.
IIPJ is free of charge to all readers and authors (i.e., there are no submission or publication fees and no charge to access the full text of articles). Articles are posted to the website immediately upon publication. Readers are not required to subscribe to IIPJ to access the articles published herein.
IIPJ encourages readers to copy articles and disseminate them widely to interested individuals and groups for non-commercial purposes. In so doing, we ask that IIPJ is recognized as the publisher of the articles in question. IIPJ's copyright policies are described in detail on our Copyright Notice page.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
IIPJ is committed to ethical publishing practices that:
- Are fair, impartial, and transparent
- Maintain editorial independence
- Promote high quality scholarship
- Adhere to ethical standards in research and scholarship, including those specific to work with Indigenous Peoples
- Support academic freedom and intellectual property rights
- Respect copyright and other legal standards in publishing
Our publication ethics and publication malpractice statement is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics [COPE], 2011, see the COPE website for full details).
Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
IIPJ’s Editors are responsible for:
- Setting, in consultation with the editorial and advisory boards, the policies of the Journal and ensuring these policies are adhered to in practice.
- Overseeing the peer review process, including adherence to double-blind peer review procedures.
- Making decisions, based on the results of peer review and/or editorial board review, about which submissions should be accepted and published in IIPJ. These decisions will be based on the extent to which the work falls within the scope of IIPJ; the scholarly merit of the work, including adherence to ethical standards; its originality, clarity, and potential to contribute to knowledge in the area; and legal requirements that include copyright and plagiarism.
- Investigating and resolving issues related to submitted and published content, including allegations of misconduct. IIPJ follows the COPE Flowcharts for handling allegations of misconduct.
- Maintaining editorial independence by preventing commercial and financial needs from influencing intellectual and ethical standards.
- Keeping information about submissions confidential. Information about a submission will only be shared with the authors, peer reviewers and potential peer reviewers, and members of the editorial board as appropriate to carry out the publishing policies of IIPJ. Editors may not disclose or use materials that have been submitted to IIPJ but are not yet published without permission from the author(s).
- Disclosing conflicts of interest. In cases where an editor has a vested interest in a submission that would prevent a fair and impartial assessment, he or she will not be permitted to participate in decision making about the submission.
Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
Individuals who agree to serve as a reviewer are responsible for:
- Providing the editor and author(s) with a detailed written report that outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the submission, as well as recommended revisions. The report should provide justification for the reviewer’s recommendation to the editors as to whether the submission requires no revision, minor revision, major revision, or should be rejected. Personal criticism of the author(s) or criticisms that are not constructive in terms of improving the manuscript are not appropriate.
- Bringing evidence of misconduct to the attention of the editor promptly.
- Informing the editor if he or she is unable to carry out his or her duties as a reviewer. Reasons include, but are not limited to, being unqualified to provide an assessment, being unable to review the submission objectively because of a conflict of interest or because the author(s) is/are known to the reviewer, or he or she is unable to complete the review in the agreed upon timeframe.
- Submitting the review within the specified timeframe so that the editors can provide the author(s) with their decision in a timely manner.
- Keeping submissions under review in confidence. No unpublished material from a submission may be used without the permission of the author(s)
Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
Authors are responsible for:
- The content of the submission. Should errors or inaccuracies in the work be identified by the author(s), these must be brought to the attention of the Journal’s editors immediately.
- Adhering to reporting standards. For research submissions, this includes providing a description of the methods and results that is detailed and accurate. It should allow the veracity of the work to be evaluated and the study to be replicated. Ethical issues should be described, including ethics approvals as required. Policy submissions should present an accurate and comprehensive description of relevant cases or literature. Editorial submissions should be clearly identified as such. For all types of submissions, making false or misleading statements is unethical and unacceptable.
- Ensuring the submission is entirely original; that is, it must not present work that is essentially the same as a submission to another journal or previously published work. Authors must notify the editors in writing if a submission duplicates sections of another published work or an entire published work. Authors are responsible for securing written permission from the copyright holder(s) prior to submitting the work to IIPJ.
- Citing materials paraphrased or quoted from other sources, including the author’s own work, appropriately. Individuals or works that have been influential in shaping the work described in the submission should also be credited.
- Ensuring the submitted manuscript has only been submitted to IIPJ and is not submitted elsewhere until it has been released by the editors of IIPJ via a decision letter.
- Ensuring the list of authors is complete and accurate. Only individuals who have made a significant contribution to the work, were involved in the drafting or revising of the manuscript, and have approved the final draft for submission should be listed as an author. Others who made contributions but do not meet the criteria for being an author should be listed in the Acknowledgements section.
- Disclosing any conflicts of interest that may be seen as influencing the work.
- Retaining raw data, where applicable, in the event that it is required to support the published work. The data should be accessible for a period of 10 years unless prohibited by other legal or ethical requirements
Information for contributors
Details about how to prepare and submit an article to IIPJ can be found in our Author Guide at
Editorial board
Jerry White, Western University, Canada
Associate Editor-in-Chief
Nicholas Spence, University of Toronto, Canada
Managing Editor
Susan Wingert, Western University, Canada
Senior Canadian Editors:
Robert Bone, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Jim Frideres, University of Calgary, Canada
Nicholas Spence, University of Toronto, Canada
Associate Editors:
Bonita Beatty, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Keith Brown, Cape Breton University, Canada
Martin C. Cooke, University of Waterloo, Canada
Brent Debassige Western University, Canada
Nancy Doubleday, McMaster University, Canada
Marc Fonda, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Canada
Julie George, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada
Eric Guimond, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Canada
Angeline Letendre, University of Alberta, Canada
Onowa McIvor, University of Victoria, Canada
Robert Patrick, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Chantelle Richmond, Western University, Canada
Sacha Senécal, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Canada
Senior USA Editor:
Miriam Jorgensen, University of Arizona & Harvard Project on Indian Economic Development, USA
Associate Editors:
Stephanie Rainie, University of Arizona, USA
Tiffany Lee, University of New Mexico, USA
Treena Delormier, University of Hawai'i Manoa, USA
Associate Editors:
Brenda Dyack, University of Canberra, Australia
Lisa Jackson Pulver, University of New South Wales, Australia
Tahu Kukutai, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Associate Editors:
Derek A. Smith, Carleton University, Canada
Yolanda Terán Maigua, Kichwa Nation from Ecuador and the University of New Mexico, USA
Eduardo Vides, Métis National Council, Canada
Senior Russia and Northern European Editors:
Valeriy Kryukov, Deputy Director, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Rodion Sulyandziga, Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North/Russian Indigenous Training Centre, Russia
Natalya Novikova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Associate Editor:
Ananta Kumar Giri, Madras Institute of Development Studies, India
Jerry White, Western University, Canada
Robert Bone, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Mark S. Dockstator, Trent University & the First Nations Statistical Institute, Canada
Gustave Goldmann, The University of Ottawa & Statistics Canada, Canada
Jim Frideres, University of Calgary, Canada
Miriam Jorgensen, University of Arizona & Harvard Project on Indian Economic Development, USA
Rodion Sulyandziga, Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North/Russian Indigenous Training Centre, Russia
Viacheslav Seliverstov, Deputy Director, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia, Russia