Historical Papers
Communications historiques

Volume 21, Number 1, 1986 Winnipeg 1986

Table of contents (17 articles)

  1. Presidential Address: Doctoral Theses and the Discipline of History in Canada, 1967 and 1985
  2. Parisian Labour During the French Revolution
  3. Toronto 1919
  4. La structure agraire au Canada : Le cas de l’Île Jésus au XVIIIe siècle
  5. “Smashers” and “Rummies”: Voters and the Rise of Parties in Charlotte County, New Brunswick, 1846‑1857
  6. The Misery of Victory: France’s Struggle for the Versailles Treaty
  7. German Revisionpolitik, 1919‑1933
  8. Inuit Economic Responses to Euro‑American Contacts: Southeast Baffin Island, 1824‑1940
  9. Bay Days: The Managerial Revolutions and the Hudson’s Bay Company Department Stores, 1912‑1939
  10. Urban Migration in Imperial Germany: Towards a Quantitative Model
  11. Prophets, Priests and Preachers: Dene Shamans and Christian Missions in the Nineteenth Century
  12. Secrets Between Different Kinds of Friends: Canada’s Wartime Exchange of Scientific Military Information with the United States and the USSR, 1940‑1945
  13. Local Control, Resources and the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company
  14. Our Contributors/Nos auteurs
  15. Obituaries/Nécrologie
  16. Unpublished Papers/Communications non imprimées
  17. William (Bill) Acheson

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