Historical Papers
Communications historiques

Volume 14, Number 1, 1979 Saskatoon 1979

Table of contents (14 articles)

  1. Presidential Address: History and Nationality in Canada: Variations on an Old Theme
  2. “Thunder Gusts”: Popular Disturbances in Early French Canada
  3. Homeland to Hinterland: Political Transition in Manitoba, 1870 to 1879
  4. Canadian Families in Cultural Context: Hypotheses from the Mid‑Nineteenth Century
  5. The Family Economy and Work in an Industrializing City: Montreal in the 1870s
  6. Feudal Constraint and Free Consent in the Making of Marriages in Medieval England: Widows in the King’s Gift
  7. Haugwitz, Kaunitz, and the Structure of Government in Austria under Maria Theresia, 1745 to 1761
  8. “A Mighty Impartial Personage”: Disraeli’s Entry into the Tory Party
  9. Oppositions and Coalitions: James Gardiner and Saskatchewan Provincial Politics, 1929 to 1934
  10. An Authorative Voice: the Reorientation of the Canadian Farmers’ Movement, 1935 to 1945
  11. Europeans and Amerindians: Some Comparative Aspects of Early Contact
  12. Our Contributors/Nos auteurs
  13. Obituaries/Nécrologie
  14. Unpublished Papers/Communications non imprimées

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