Historical Papers
Communications historiques

Volume 7, Number 1, 1972 Montréal 1972

Table of contents (18 articles)

  1. Fifty Years of the Canadian Historical Association: What Next?
  2. The Public Archives of Canada at the End of its First Century*
  3. Neglected Implications of R.G. Collingwood’s Attack on “Scissors‑and‑Paste History”
  4. The Assertion of Women’s Rights in Mid‑Victorian England
  5. The Eastern Question in British Strategic Policy During the Franco‑Prussian War
  6. Railway Politics in Montreal, 1867‑1878*
  7. An Urban Environment: The Process of Growth in Winnipeg 1874‑1914
  8. Canadian Immigration Policy and the “Foreign” Navvy, 1896-1914
  9. The Condition of the Working Class in Montreal, 1897-1920 1
  10. Le développement du port de Montréal au début du 20e siècle1
  11. The Origins of the Canadian Co-operative Movement, 1900-1914*
  12. “The Beginning of our Regeneration”: The Great War and Western Canadian Reform Movements
  13. Peace Through Law: The United States and the World Court, 1923-1935
  14. “Dirty Work at the Crossroads”: New Perspectives on the Riddell Incident
  15. Noel Edward Buxton, The Anti-Slavery Society and British Policy With Respect to Ethiopia, 1932-1944 1
  16. Ebb Tide of American Isolationism: The Senate Debate on the Arms Embargo, 1937-1939
  17. Paternalism and Profits: The Ideology of U.S. Aid to Latin America, 1943-1971
  18. Papers not Printed/Communications non imprimées

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