Historical Papers
Communications historiques

Volume 2, Number 1, 1967 Ottawa 1967

Table of contents (20 articles)

  1. Presidential Address*
  2. Nationality: The Experience of Canada
  3. Church-State Relations in Canada, 1604-1685
  4. Church and State in Maritime Canada, 1749-1807
  5. La crise sous Craig (1807-1811) : nature des conflits et historiographie
  6. Pressure Group Politics in Canada West Before Confederation
  7. D’Arcy McGee and the Economic Aspects of New Nationality
  8. The Age of Gentility: The Formation of an Aristocracy in the Ottawa Valley
  9. The Sources of Ontario“Progressive” Conservatism, 1900-1914
  10. The Conservative Party and Conscription in the Second World War
  11. Popular Literature and Imperial Sentiment: Changing Attitudes, 1870-1890
  12. Tariff Reform and the Resurgence of the Liberal Party: May 1903 to February 1904
  13. The Role of Women in the Antislavery Movement
  14. Progressivism in Industry: The Welfare Movement in the American Factory
  15. Bismarck and the Press: The Example of the National Liberals
  16. German Left-Liberals and the First World War
  17. List of Members/Liste des membres
  18. Report of the Archives Section
  19. Report of the Local History Section
  20. Report of the Treasurer/Rapport du trésorier

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