Au XIXe siècle, la multiplication des musées et des cabinets d’histoire naturelle au Québec est liée à la popularité de cette science dans les classes moyennes et au développement de l’enseignement scientifique dans les collèges et les universités. Notre étude indique que ce phénomène relève davantage de la mode et de l’histoire des mentalités que de la professionnalisation des sciences. Sous ce rapport, l’histoire des musées du Québec ne se distingue guère de celle des musées étrangers.
Throughout the nineteenth century, natural history museums proliferated in Quebec. Of course, the popularity of such museums was a consequence of the popularity of natural history itself, as a form of diversion among the middle-class. It was linked also to the teaching of the various branches of the discipline at the colleges and universities of the province. Our study shows that the popularity of natural history had more to do with social and cultural trends than with the professionalization of science. In this respect, the “museum movement” in Quebec did not separate itself from what was observed in the rest of the world at the time.
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