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Groulx, Lionel. "LABAREE, Leonard W., Editor, Whitfield, J. Bell, jr., Associate Editor, BOATFIELD, Helen C. and FINEMAN, Helene H., Assistant Editors, The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 5, July 1, 1753, through March 31, 1755. New Haven and London Yale University Press, 1962. Illustrations and Index, 575 p." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, volume 17, number 1, juin 1963, p. 128–129.
Groulx, L. (1963). Review of [LABAREE, Leonard W., Editor, Whitfield, J. Bell, jr., Associate Editor, BOATFIELD, Helen C. and FINEMAN, Helene H., Assistant Editors, The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 5, July 1, 1753, through March 31, 1755. New Haven and London Yale University Press, 1962. Illustrations and Index, 575 p.] Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 17(1), 128–129.
- Chicago
Groulx, Lionel "LABAREE, Leonard W., Editor, Whitfield, J. Bell, jr., Associate Editor, BOATFIELD, Helen C. and FINEMAN, Helene H., Assistant Editors, The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 5, July 1, 1753, through March 31, 1755. New Haven and London Yale University Press, 1962. Illustrations and Index, 575 p.". Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 17, no. 1 (1963) : 128–129.
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