Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Volume 53, Number 1, 1999 Late Quaternary History of the White Mountains, New Hampshire and Adjacent Southeastern Québec Guest-edited by Woodrow B. Thompson, Brian K. Fowler and P. Thompson Davis

Table of contents (11 articles)

  1. Introduction: Late Quaternary History of the White Mountains, New Hampshire and adjacent southeastern Québec
  2. Richard P. Goldthwait
  3. History of research on glaciation in the White Mountains, New Hampshire (U.S.A.)
  4. Cirques of the Presidential Range, New Hampshire, and surrounding alpine areas in the northeastern United States
  5. Talus fabric in Tuckerman Ravine, New Hampshire: Evidence for a tongue-shaped rock glacier
  6. Deglaciation of the northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire
  7. Varve, paleomagnetic, and 14 C Chronologies for late Pleistocene events in New Hampshire and Vermont (U.S.A.)
  8. Pre-Late Wisconsinan age for part of the glaciolacustrine stratigraphy, lower Peabody valley, northern White Mountains, Gorham, New Hampshire
  9. Late Wisconsinan deglaciation and glacial lake development in the Appalachians of southeastern Québec
  10. Late-Quaternary history of the alpine flora of the New Hampshire White Mountains
  11. Paleoindian occupation of the White Mountains, New Hampshire

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