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Dubois, Jean-Marie M. "Bork. H.-R., Ploey, J. de, et Schick, A.P., édit. (1991). Erosion, Transport and Deposition Processes: Theories and Models. Catena Supplement no 19, Catena Verlag, Cremlingen-Destedt, x +153 p., 86 fig., 17 tabl., 17 x 24 cm, 75$US. ISBN 3-923381-28-X." Géographie physique et Quaternaire, volume 47, number 2, 1993, p. 245–245.
Dubois, J.-M. M. (1993). Review of [Bork. H.-R., Ploey, J. de, et Schick, A.P., édit. (1991). Erosion, Transport and Deposition Processes: Theories and Models. Catena Supplement no 19, Catena Verlag, Cremlingen-Destedt, x +153 p., 86 fig., 17 tabl., 17 x 24 cm, 75$US. ISBN 3-923381-28-X.] Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 47(2), 245–245.
- Chicago
Dubois, Jean-Marie M. "Bork. H.-R., Ploey, J. de, et Schick, A.P., édit. (1991). Erosion, Transport and Deposition Processes: Theories and Models. Catena Supplement no 19, Catena Verlag, Cremlingen-Destedt, x +153 p., 86 fig., 17 tabl., 17 x 24 cm, 75$US. ISBN 3-923381-28-X.". Géographie physique et Quaternaire 47, no. 2 (1993) : 245–245.
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