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Dionne, Jean-Claude. "Masters, P.M. et Flemming, N.C., edit. (1983) : Quaternary Coastlines and Marine Archaeology (Towards the Prehistory of Land Bridges and Continental Shelves), Londres et New York, Academic Press, 641 p, 119 fig., 47 pl., 28 tabl., 16 x 23,5 cm." Géographie physique et Quaternaire, volume 38, number 2, 1984, p. 210–210.
Dionne, J.-C. (1984). Review of [Masters, P.M. et Flemming, N.C., edit. (1983) : Quaternary Coastlines and Marine Archaeology (Towards the Prehistory of Land Bridges and Continental Shelves), Londres et New York, Academic Press, 641 p, 119 fig., 47 pl., 28 tabl., 16 x 23,5 cm.] Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 38(2), 210–210.
- Chicago
Dionne, Jean-Claude "Masters, P.M. et Flemming, N.C., edit. (1983) : Quaternary Coastlines and Marine Archaeology (Towards the Prehistory of Land Bridges and Continental Shelves), Londres et New York, Academic Press, 641 p, 119 fig., 47 pl., 28 tabl., 16 x 23,5 cm.". Géographie physique et Quaternaire 38, no. 2 (1984) : 210–210.
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