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Laverdière, Camille. "FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. et FINKL, C.W., édit. (1979) : The Encyclopedia of Soil Science; part 1, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fertility, and Technology, Stroudsburg (Pa., U.S.A.), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, coll. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, vol. XII, XXI et 646 p., 244 fig., 38 phot., 18 x 26 cm, relié." Géographie physique et Quaternaire, volume 34, number 3, 1980, p. 381–382.
Laverdière, C. (1980). Review of [FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. et FINKL, C.W., édit. (1979) : The Encyclopedia of Soil Science; part 1, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fertility, and Technology, Stroudsburg (Pa., U.S.A.), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, coll. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, vol. XII, XXI et 646 p., 244 fig., 38 phot., 18 x 26 cm, relié]. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 34(3), 381–382.
- Chicago
Laverdière, Camille "FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. et FINKL, C.W., édit. (1979) : The Encyclopedia of Soil Science; part 1, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fertility, and Technology, Stroudsburg (Pa., U.S.A.), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, coll. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, vol. XII, XXI et 646 p., 244 fig., 38 phot., 18 x 26 cm, relié". Géographie physique et Quaternaire 34, no. 3 (1980) : 381–382.
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