Andrew Hynes Series: Tectonic Processes

Structural Features of the Central Labrador Trough: A Model for Strain Partitioning, Differential Exhumation and Late Normal Faulting in a Thrust Wedge under Oblique Shortening

  • Elena Konstantinovskaya,
  • Gennady Ivanov,
  • Jean-Louis Feybesse and
  • Jean-Luc Lescuyer

…more information

  • Elena Konstantinovskaya
    University of Alberta, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 1-26 Earth Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E3

  • Gennady Ivanov
    IOS Services Geoscientifiques Inc. 1319 Boulevard Saint-Paul, Chicoutimi, Quebec, G7J 3Y2

  • Jean-Louis Feybesse
    formerly with Areva, passed away

  • Jean-Luc Lescuyer
    formerly with Areva (presently Orano), Tour Areva , 1 place Jean Millier, 92084 Paris

Cover of Volume 46, Number 1, 2019, pp. 1-67, Geoscience Canada

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