Geoscience Canada
Journal of the Geological Association of Canada
Journal de l’Association Géologique du Canada

Volume 42, Number 1, Spring 2015

Table of contents (11 articles)

  1. Front Matter


GAC Presidential Address


GAC Medallist Series

  1. Logan Medallist 2. Geophysics and Geology: An Essential Combination Illustrated by LITHOPROBE Interpretations–Part 1, Lithospheric Examples

Harold Williams Series

  1. Does the Meguma Terrane Extend into SW England?
  2. Tectonic Setting and Evolution of the Grenville Orogen: An Assessment of Progress Over the Last 40 Years
  3. From Large Zones to Small Terranes to Detailed Reconstruction of an Early to Middle Ordovician Arc – Backarc System Preserved Along the Iapetus Suture Zone: A Legacy of Hank Williams


  1. Igneous Rock Associations 15. The Columbia River Basalt Group: A Flood Basalt Province in the Pacific Northwest, USA
  2. Igneous Rock Associations 16. The Late Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province

Back Matter

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