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It is hard to believe that a year has passed since we became the co-editors of Geoscience Canada. Last year was a learning experience and we made some mistakes, some of which appeared in print. However, you caught them and told us, so we are unlikely to make the same mistakes again. Thanks for keeping us on track.

Now that the steep part of the learning curve is behind us, it is time to make good on one of the commitments in our first editorial, and that is to make some changes to the editorial board of Geoscience Canada Most of our associate editors have been in place since 1996, which is ten years – half of a life sentence. We hereby grant parole for good behaviour to Brian Grant, Phil Hill, Andrew Hynes, Tom Pedersen, Patricia Rasmussen, Cindy Riediger, Paul Robinson, Gerry Ross, and Harvey Thorleifson – thank you all for your many years of service to the journal as associate editors. Bruce Broster and Alan Morgan have volunteered to do more hard time! We would like to welcome new appointees to the editorial board: John Greenough, Denis Lavoie and Carmel Lowe – we hope you enjoy your time (sentence) with us. We expect to add several more associate editors in the next few months, and their names will be listed on the inside front cover upon appointment. Our associate editors will be actively campaigning for new submissions to the journal and we hope the geoscience community, especially GAC members, will respond to their calls.

We are also taking this opportunity to evaluate the status of each series and hence the expected terms of the series editors. A status report follows:

  • Earth Science Education – Five articles have been published beginning in 1999 (v. 26-no. 1) and ending in 2002 (v. 29-no. 2). Last year, we decided to make this series a regular feature called Education Matters. Jon Dudley was the original series editor but he has stepped down. We are looking for a new champion.

  • Economic Geology Models – This series was a follow-up to the very successful Ore Deposit Models series (1980– 1988), initially edited by John Allen and subsequently by Gwilym Roberts, that culminated in a reprint volume by the same name. Economic Geology Models, edited by Pat Sheahan, began in 1991 and continued for a few years but effectively has been defunct since 1993 (v. 20-no. 1), when the last new article appeared. Craig Hart and David Lentz have agreed to team up and resurrect this series. If this dynamic duo cannot raise the dead, nobody can. Keep watching for new articles in the future.

  • Environmental Marine Geoscience – Five articles have been published in this series, beginning in 1999 (v. 26-no. 4) and continuing until present (#5 appeared in the last issue but was mistakenly labelled #4). Phil Hill has been the series editor since the beginning and will continue for the foreseeable future.

  • Geology and Wine – Ten articles have been published in this series, beginning in 1999 (v. 26-no. 4) and continuing until present (#10 appeared in the last issue and #11 is in this one). Simon Haynes was the series editor of the first four articles; following Simon’s untimely death in April 2002, Roger Macqueen took over and has been the editor ever since. There may be one more article in this series and a reprint volume is in the works.

  • Geology of the Parliament Buildings – Five articles have been published in this series, beginning in 2001 (v. 28-no. 1) and continuing until present (#5 appeared in v. 32-no. 4). Five more are in various stages of completion. Doug vanDine has been the series editor since the beginning and plans to continue.

  • Igneous Rock Associations – Five articles also have been published in this series, beginning in 2003 (v. 30-no.2) and continuing until present (#6 is in this issue). Georgia Pe-Piper has been the series editor since the beginning and will continue for the foreseeable future.

  • Oceanic Lithosphere – Four articles have been published beginning in 1997 (v. 24-no. 2) and ending in 2000 (v .27-no. 3). John Malpas and Paul Robinson co-authored all four papers in the series. Last year, we decided to end this series and treat any further submissions as regular articles.

Thanks and “happy retirement” to series editors Jon Dudley, John Malpas, Paul Robinson and Pat Sheahan. Welcome aboard to series editors Craig Hart and David Lentz.

We will be introducing a new series later this year entitled: Great Mining Camps of Canada, which will be championed by Bob Cathro. We hope it will have wide appeal but be of particular interest for Mineral Deposits Division members. If you have a burning desire to initiate another new series, we would like to hear your plan.

A final note concerns the Geoscience Canada web page ( We intend to reorganize it this year so that information is easier to find. This includes the Instructions to Authors and the new Procedures and Standards for Associate Editors and Reviewers This reorganization will be coordinated with an ongoing review of the entire GAC web site.

We welcome your comments and suggestions at any time.

Sonya Dehler & Steve McCutcheon (S&S) Editors, Geoscience Canada