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The Geological Association of Canada acknowledges, with gratitude, the support of the following companies, universities, and government departments.
Anglo American Exploration Canada
De Beers Canada Exploration Inc.
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Noranda Inc.Falconbridge Ltd.
Alberta Energy & Utilities Board
C.S. Lord Northern Geoscience Centre
Geological Survey of Canada (Calgary)
Goldcorp Inc.
Husky Energy
INCO Technical Services Limited
Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines
Newfoundland and Labrador Department
of Natural Resources
Ontario Ministry of Northern Development
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Saskatchewan Industry & Resources
Yukon Geological Survey
Acadia University
Activation Laboratories Ltd.
ALS Chemex
Barrick Gold Corporation
Cogema Resources Inc.
Golder Associates Ltd.
IBK Capital Corp.
INCO Technical Services (Mississauga)
Juneau - John Rishel Mineral Information Center
Scintrex Ltd.
SRK Consulting
Strathcona Mineral Services Ltd.
Suncor Energy
Teck Cominco Ltd.
University of Calgary
University of New Brunswick
University of Toronto
Utah State University
Voisey's Bay Nickel Company Limited