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Chesworth, Ward. "Litanies, Mantras and Fatal Flaws: Bjorn Lomborg's Perpetual Motion Machine:: An Essay Review of The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World by Bjorn Lomborg. 2001. Cambridge university Press, 515 p." Geoscience Canada, volume 30, number 1, march 2003, p. 25–29.
Chesworth, W. (2003). Litanies, Mantras and Fatal Flaws: Bjorn Lomborg's Perpetual Motion Machine:: An Essay Review of The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World by Bjorn Lomborg. 2001. Cambridge university Press, 515 p. Geoscience Canada, 30(1), 25–29.
- Chicago
Chesworth, Ward "Litanies, Mantras and Fatal Flaws: Bjorn Lomborg's Perpetual Motion Machine:: An Essay Review of The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World by Bjorn Lomborg. 2001. Cambridge university Press, 515 p.". Geoscience Canada 30, no. 1 (2003) : 25–29.
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