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Nowlan, Godfrey S. "The Changing Landscape of Earth Sciences in Canada: A Story of Erosion and Uplift: GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Quebec City Quebec, 18 May 1998." Geoscience Canada, volume 25, number 2, june 1998, p. 49–56.
Nowlan, G. S. (1998). The Changing Landscape of Earth Sciences in Canada: A Story of Erosion and Uplift: GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Quebec City Quebec, 18 May 1998. Geoscience Canada, 25(2), 49–56.
- Chicago
Nowlan, Godfrey S. "The Changing Landscape of Earth Sciences in Canada: A Story of Erosion and Uplift: GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Quebec City Quebec, 18 May 1998". Geoscience Canada 25, no. 2 (1998) : 49–56.
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