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Cheel, Rick and Dale A. Leckie. "From Sandstone To Chaos: A symposium in honor of Gerrard V. Middleton on his retirement, 1996." Geoscience Canada, volume 24, number 1, march 1997, p. 2–2.
Cheel, R. & Leckie, D. A. (1997). From Sandstone To Chaos: A symposium in honor of Gerrard V. Middleton on his retirement, 1996. Geoscience Canada, 24(1), 2–2.
- Chicago
Cheel, Rick and Leckie, Dale A. "From Sandstone To Chaos: A symposium in honor of Gerrard V. Middleton on his retirement, 1996". Geoscience Canada 24, no. 1 (1997) : 2–2.
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