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Basham, Peter W. and John Adams. "The Miramichi, New Brunswick Earthquakes: Near-Surface Thrust Faulting in the Northern Appalachians." Geoscience Canada, volume 11, number 3, september 1984, p. 115–121.
Basham, P. W. & Adams, J. (1984). The Miramichi, New Brunswick Earthquakes: Near-Surface Thrust Faulting in the Northern Appalachians. Geoscience Canada, 11(3), 115–121.
- Chicago
Basham, Peter W. and Adams, John "The Miramichi, New Brunswick Earthquakes: Near-Surface Thrust Faulting in the Northern Appalachians". Geoscience Canada 11, no. 3 (1984) : 115–121.
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