Geoscience Canada

Volume 10, Number 4, December 1983

Table of contents (11 articles)


  1. Diagenesis 5. Limestones: Introduction
  2. Diagenesis 6. Limestones — The Sea Floor Diagenetic Environment
  3. Paleomagnetism for Geologists
  4. The Redox State of Iron: A Powerful Indicator of Hydrothermal Alteration
  5. Seminar on Ancient and Modem Volcanoes

Conference Reports / Compte rendus de réunions

Features / Rubriques

  1. Machinations:: Multiple collection in solid-source mass spectrometry
  2. History of Canadian Geology:: The Contributions of J.W. Dawson (father) and G.M. Dawson (son) to the Theory of Glaciation

Book Reviews / Critiques

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