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Martignole, Jacques. "A Structural Stratigraphie and Petrologic Study of Anorthosites, Eclogites and Ultramafic Rocks and Their Country Rocks, Tafjord Area, Western Norway." Geoscience Canada, volume 5, number 4, november 1978, p. 213–214.
Martignole, J. (1978). Review of [A Structural Stratigraphie and Petrologic Study of Anorthosites, Eclogites and Ultramafic Rocks and Their Country Rocks, Tafjord Area, Western Norway]. Geoscience Canada, 5(4), 213–214.
- Chicago
Martignole, Jacques "A Structural Stratigraphie and Petrologic Study of Anorthosites, Eclogites and Ultramafic Rocks and Their Country Rocks, Tafjord Area, Western Norway". Geoscience Canada 5, no. 4 (1978) : 213–214.
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