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Kemp, A. L. and R. L. Thomas. "Sediment Geochemistry: Cultural Impact on the Geochemistry of the Sediments of Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron." Geoscience Canada, volume 3, number 3, august 1976, p. 191–207.
Kemp, A. L. & Thomas, R. L. (1976). Sediment Geochemistry: Cultural Impact on the Geochemistry of the Sediments of Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron. Geoscience Canada, 3(3), 191–207.
- Chicago
Kemp, A. L. and Thomas, R. L. "Sediment Geochemistry: Cultural Impact on the Geochemistry of the Sediments of Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron". Geoscience Canada 3, no. 3 (1976) : 191–207.
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