Aboriginal Kinship Carers and Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Western Australia: Advancing Knowledge from an Indigenous and Disability Lens[Record]

  • Robyn Williams and
  • Dorothy E. Badry

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Corresponding authors: Robyn Williams, Robyn.Williams@curtin.edu.au; Dorothy E. Badry, badry@ucalgary.ca


Ethical approval was received from the Western Australia Aboriginal Health Ethics Committee and Curtin University. Ethical consent was also obtained from the Department of Child Protection in Western Australia. As this research was undertaken in country towns in Western Australia, cultural protocols were observed and respected local elders were consulted. Each elder was provided information about the study and the opportunity to review survey and research questions.


The paper is intended for a wide audience of key human service sectors including child welfare, foster care, justice, health, education, Aboriginal health, and the overall community.
