First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honouring the Voices, Perspectives, and Knowledges of First Peoples

Volume 15, Number 1, 2020

Table of contents (7 articles)

  1. Foreword
  2. Connecting Myself to Indian Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop
  3. Exploring the Effectiveness of Métis Women’s Research Methodology and Methods: Promising Wellness Research Practices
  4. Moving Towards a Language Nest: Stories and Insights from nḱmaplqs
  5. Cree Relationship Mapping: nêhiyaw kesi wâhkotohk – How We Are Related
  6. Familial Attendance at Indian Residential School and Subsequent Involvement in the Child Welfare System Among Indigenous Adults Born During the Sixties Scoop Era
  7. Human Trafficking in Northeastern Ontario: Collaborative Responses

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