First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honouring the Voices, Perspectives, and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews

Volume 7, Number 2, 2013

Table of contents (11 articles)


  1. Relationship is Everything: Holistic Approaches to Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health
  2. Tenoch's Gender Journey: Case Study of a 13-year-old Mexican Refugee with Aboriginal Ancestry - Naming the Gaps Between Theory and Practice
  3. Catching Dreams: Applying Gestalt Dream Work to Canadian Aboriginal Peoples
  4. With Laura: Attachment and the Healing Potential of Substitute Caregivers within Cross-Cultural Child Welfare Practice
  5. Strategies to Revive Traditional Decision-Making in the Context of Child Protection in Northern British Columbia
  6. Spiritual Needs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Foster Parents
  7. Beyond Church and State: Rethinking Who Knew What When About Residential Schooling in Canada
  8. REDressing Invisibility and Marking Violence Against Indigenous Women in the Americas Through Art, Activism and Advocacy
  9. Preventing Crime and Poor Health Among Aboriginal People: The Potential for Preventative Programming
  10. Native Family Law, Indian Child Welfare Act and Tribal Sovereignty
  11. L’intervention de groupe pour soutenir le passage à la vie adulte des jeunes autochtones issus des centres jeunesse et de deux communautés

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