
Non-Aboriginal Child Protective Service Workers’ Utilization of the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathway Knowledge Translation (MAP-KT) Portal: A Report on the Utilization Statistics and Utilization Gaps of Aboriginal Best-Practice Material

  • Eman Leung,
  • Christine Wekerle,
  • Randy Weachter,
  • Julian Egelstaff and
  • Marlyn Bennett

…more information

  • Eman Leung
    Knowledge Translation Program, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

  • Christine Wekerle
    McMaster University, ON, Canada ; The University of Western Ontario, ON, Canada ; Canadian Institutes of Health Research Centre, Prevention of Violence Across the Lifespan, Toronto, ON, Canada

  • Randy Weachter
    McMaster University, ON, Canada

  • Julian Egelstaff
    Freeform Solutions, Toronto, ON, Canada

  • Marlyn Bennett
    First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada, Manitoba Site, Canada

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