This essay examines the history of the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre (UCRDC) in Toronto, looking at how the tragedy of the Holodomor led Ukrainian-Canadians to come together in speaking out against the Soviet regime and equally, reaffirming Ukrainian nationality on the world stage. It also examines how the UCRDC evolved from mainly studying the Holodomor to exploring other topics of interest to Ukrainians worldwide. Through filmmaking, archival development, and publications, the UCRDC has worked in ensuring that the voices of Ukraine and Ukrainians be heard.
- Holodomor,
- diaspora,
- archives,
- filmmaking,
- publications
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- Isajiw, Wsevolod. Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre. The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre Archive. Undated and unpublished manuscript.
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- “Kampaniia pochalasia: hotuiet'sia novyi fil'm Ukraïna v Druhii Svitovii Viini.” The New Pathway, 20–27 Dec. 1986, p. 4.
- Luhovy, Yurij. On Making of Harvest of Despair: An Overview of My Work on Film Production. Nov. 2020.
- Onyschuk, Bohdan. Personal interview. 30 Oct. 2020.
- Onyschuk, Bohdan. Personal interview. 5 Aug. 2022.
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- Shandra, Alya. “See Which Countries Recognize Ukraine’s Holodomor Famine As Genocide on an Interactive Map.” Euromaidan Press, 24 Nov. 2018, http://euromaidanpress.com/2018/11/24/see-which-countries-recognize-ukraines-holodomor-famine-as-genocide-on-an-interactive-map/. Accessed 12 Aug. 2021.
- Smylski, Peter. Famine Research Committee. The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre Archive. Undated and unpublished manuscript.
- The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre. “About Us.” The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, http://www.ucrdc.org/. Accessed 10 Aug. 2022.
- The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre. “Between Hitler and Stalin: Ukraine in World War II, the Untold Story.” The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, www.ucrdc.org/Film-Hitler.html. Accessed 21 Sept. 2022.
- The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre. “Freedom Had a Price.” The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, http://www.ucrdc.org/Film-Freedom_had_a_Price.html. Accessed 10 Aug. 2021.
- The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre. “Harvest of Despair.” www.ucrdc.org/Film-Harvest_of_Despair.html. Accessed 21 Sept. 2022.
- The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre. “World War II: Dutch Officers & The Ukrainian Insurgent Army.” The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, http://www.ucrdc.org/Oral-History-Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army.html. Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
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- Ukrainian Canadian Congress. “Quebec Passes Bill Recognizing Holodomor as Genocide.” Ukrainian Canadian Congress, 3 June 2010, https://www.ucc.ca/2010/06/03/quebec-passes-bill-recognizing-holodomor-as-a-genocide/. Accessed 4 Aug. 2021.
- “Uspishne lamannia lediv promovchuvannia pravdy pro Velykyi Holod.” The New Pathway, 7 Dec. 1985.
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