Journal of Ukrainian Studies

Volume 9, Number 1, 2022 Ukrainian Culture and the War in the Donbas Guest-edited by Mark Andryczyk

Table of contents (20 articles)




  1. (After) Five Years of War in the Donbas: Cultural Responses and Reverberations
  2. Writing around War: Parapolemics, Trauma, and Ethics in Ukrainian Representations of the War in the Donbas
  3. Translating Ukrainian War Poetry into English: Why It Is Relevant
  4. Art Resistance against Russia’s “Non-Invasion” of Ukraine
  5. Cyborgs vs. Vatniks: Hybridity, Weaponized Information, and Mediatized Reality in Recent Ukrainian War Films
  6. Gardens of Tolerance: Ukrainian Women Artists Reflect the War in the Donbas
  7. “Moskal's,” “Separs,” and “Vatniks”: The Many Faces of the Enemy in the Ukrainian Satirical Songs of the War in the Donbas

The EWJUS Essay

Distinguished Lecture


  1. Mercenaries in the Galician Army of the Western Ukrainian National Republic

Book Reviews



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