Authors Beginning With the Letter A
Abildgaard, Mette Simonsen
- 2023 — With Ren, Carina, Becker Jacobsen, Rikke, and Thomsen, Robert Christian, “Emerging Issues in Contemporary Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)”
- 2023 — With Reni, Carina, Becker Jacobsen, Rikke, and Thomsen, Robert Christian, “Nouveaux enjeux au Groenland contemporain (Kalaallit Nunaat)”
Abryutina, Larisa
Abu-Zahra, Nadia
- 2013 — Avec Aylward, Erin et Giles, Audrey R., “Nunavut Inuit youth and leadership: Perspectives from the Northern Youth Abroad Program”
Adams, William M.
- 2011 — “Recensions”
Aînés Avvajjamiut d'Iglulik
- 2022 — With Desjardins, Sean P. A., LeBlanc, Sylvie, Maire, Aurélie, and Gloria, “Avant Iglulik : Mémoire inuit et archéologie récente à Avvajja, Nunavut”
Akulukjuk, Tommy
Alaskuk Strunk, Lonny
- 2022 — With Hillerdal, Charlotta, Watterson, Alice, Williams, M. Akiqaralria, Nalikutaar Cleveland, Jacqueline, and Joseph, Corey Al'aq, “Giving the Past a Future: Community Archaeology, Youth Engagement and Heritage in Quinhagak, Alaska”
- 2022 — With Hillerdal, Charlotta, Watterson, Alice, Williams, M. Akiqaralria, and Nalikutaar Cleveland, Jacqueline, “Kinguneq Ciunerkiurluku: Nunalget Elakengaliuryarait, Ayagyuat Ilagauciat, Paitait-llu Kuinerrami Alaska-mi”
Alia, Valerie
Alix, Claire
- 2018 — Avec Salabelle, Marie-Amélie et McLain, Allison Y., “Deux musées pour un héritage : Les collections unangax̂ de l'île d'Unga”
- 2012 — “Introduction: les peuples de l'Arctique et le bois”
- 2012 — “Using wood on King Island, Alaska”
- 2007 — “From stories to material culture: European scholars in the Arctic”
- 2004 — “Bois flottés et archéologie de l'Arctique: contribution à la préhistoire récente du détroit de Béring”
- 2002 — “GULLØV, Hans Christian 1997 From Middle Ages to Colonial Times. Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Studies of the Thule Culture in South West Greenland 1300-1800 AD, Copenhagen, the Danish National Museum.”
Allen, Cheryl
- 2016 — With Moore, Sylvia, Andersen, Marina, Boase, Doris, Campbell, Jenni-Rose, Doherty, Tracey, Edmunds, Alanna, Edmunds, Felicia, Flowers, Julie, Lyall, Jodi, Mitsuk, Cathy, Nochasak, Roxanne, Pamak, Vanessa, Russell, Frank, and Voisey, Joanne, “Inuit-Centred Learning in the Inuit Bachelor of Education Program”
Andersen, Catharyn
- 2005 — Avec Johns, Alana, “Labrador Inuttitut: Speaking into the future”
Andersen, Joan
- 2022 — With Rankin, Lisa K., Brake, Jamie, Onalik, Lena, Flowers, Marjorie, Flowers, Nicholas, Igloliorte, David, Shiwak, Inez, and Shiwak, Anthony “Jack”, “The Role of the Nunatsiavut Heritage Forum in the Development of Community Archaeology”
- 2022 — With Rankin, Lisa K., Brake, Jamie, Onalik, Lena, Flowers, Marjorie, Flowers, Nicholas, Igloliorte, David, Shiwak, Inez, Shiwak, Anthony “Jack”, and Winters, Katie, “Tânna Suliatsagijangit Nunatsiavut Taimangasuanit katingaKatigejut Pivalliatitsigiamut Nunalimmi Itsasuanittanik”
Andersen, Marina
- 2016 — With Moore, Sylvia, Allen, Cheryl, Boase, Doris, Campbell, Jenni-Rose, Doherty, Tracey, Edmunds, Alanna, Edmunds, Felicia, Flowers, Julie, Lyall, Jodi, Mitsuk, Cathy, Nochasak, Roxanne, Pamak, Vanessa, Russell, Frank, and Voisey, Joanne, “Inuit-Centred Learning in the Inuit Bachelor of Education Program”
Andreasen, Claus
Andrews, Justin J.
- 2006 — Avec Kleinfeld, Judith, “Postsecondary education gender disparities among Inuit in Alaska: A symptom of male malaise?”
Angiyou, Sarah
- 2016 — With Pellerini, Glorya, Maheux, Gisèle, Bacon, Lily, Paul, Véronique, and Mangiuk, Passa, “Le partenariat université-communautés au service du développement d'un curriculum scolaire en inuktitut : Pistes de travail et de réflexion”
Angnatok, Dorothy
- 2016 — With Hirsch, Rachel, Furgal, Chris, Hackett, Christina, Sheldon, Tom, Bell, Trevor, Winters, Katie, and Pamak, Carla, “Going Off, Growing Strong: A program to enhance individual youth and community resilience in the face of change in Nain, Nunatsiavut”
Angulalik, Emily
- 2022 — With Friesen, Max, Crockatt, Kim, and Hakongak Gross, Pamela, “Pitquhivut Ilihaqtavut (« en savoir davantage sur notre culture ») : Une approche collaborative de l'archéologie et du savoir traditionnel dans l'Inuit Nunangat”
- 2022 — With Friesen, Max, Crockatt, Kim, Hakongak Gross, Pamela, and Angulalik, Gwen, “Pitquhivut Ilihaqtavut (“Learning about Our Culture”): A Collaborative Approach to Archaeology and Traditional Knowledge in Inuit Nunangat”
- 2022 — With Friesen, Max, Crockatt, Kim, and Hakongak Gross, Pamela, “Pitquhivut Ilihaqtavut: Atauttikkuuqhutik Havauhirijumajaat Utuqqaqhiurniq Qaujimajatuqanngillu Inuit Nunanganni”
Angulalik, Gwen
- 2022 — With Friesen, Max, Angulalik, Emily, Crockatt, Kim, and Hakongak Gross, Pamela, “Pitquhivut Ilihaqtavut (“Learning about Our Culture”): A Collaborative Approach to Archaeology and Traditional Knowledge in Inuit Nunangat”
Anichtchenko, Evguenia
Annahatak, Betsy
Aporta, Claudio
Appelt, Martin
Armitage, Derek
- 2010 — Avec Berkes, Fikret, “Co-management institutions, knowledge, and learning: Adapting to change in the Arctic”
Arnold, Charles
- 2022 — With Gruben, Ethel-Jean, Piskor, Ashley, Joe, Mervin, Kotokak, Lena, Lyons, Natasha, Hodgetts, Lisa, Hennessy, Kate, Edgerton, Elizabeth, Stewart, David, von Szombathyix, Chris, and Lukuku, Jasmine, “« Vous nous aidez à raconter notre histoire » : Restituer les histoires de vie des Inuvialuit en mode numérique et en temps réel”
- 2022 — With Gruben, Ethel-Jean, Piskor, Ashley, Joe, Mervin, Kotokak, Lena, Lyons, Natasha, Hodgetts, Lisa, Hennessy, Kate, Edgerton, Elizabeth, Stewart, David, von Szombathyix, Chris, and Lukuku, Jasmine, ““You Help Us Tell our Story”: Making Inuvialuit Living Histories in Digital and Real Time”
- 2012 — “BURN, Christopher (ed.), 2012 Herschel Island Qikiqtaryuk – A Natural and Cultural History of Yukon's Arctic Island, Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 242 pages.”
Arnold, Charles D.
- 2014 — “Recensions”
Artiss, Tom
Auger, Emily E.
- 2012 — “Recensions”
- 2010 — “Recensions”
Avard, Ellen
- 2016 — With Lamalice, Annie, Coxam, Véronique, Herrmann, Thora, Desbiens, Caroline, Wittrant, Yohann, and Blangy, Sylvie, “Soutenir la sécurité alimentaire dans le Grand Nord : projets communautaires d'agriculture sous serre au Nunavik et au Nunavut”
Avarello, Mathieu
- 2020 — “Entre regards et territoire. Composition d'atlas paysagers selon une approche perceptive territorialiste, Salluit et Inukjuak”
- 2020 — With Vachon, Geneviève, Landry, Julien, and St-Jean, Laurence, “Territorialities and Urbanities Transform: A Scenario-Based Approach to Local Planning and Decision Making in Inukjuak and Salluit, Nunavik”
Avvajjamiut Elders of Iglulik
- 2022 — Avec Desjardins, Sean P.A. et LeBlanc, Sylvie, “Before Iglulik: Inuit Memory and Recent-Historic Archaeology at Avvajja, Nunavut”
Aylward, Erin
- 2013 — Avec Giles, Audrey R. et Abu-Zahra, Nadia, “Nunavut Inuit youth and leadership: Perspectives from the Northern Youth Abroad Program”
Aylward, M.Lynn