Études Inuit Studies

Volume 43, Number 1-2, 2019 Le passé dans le présent yup’ik : Archéologies du changement climatique dans l’ouest de l’Alaska The Past in the Yup’ik Present: Archaeologies of Climate Change in Western Alaska Guest-edited by Kate Britton, Rick Knecht and Charlotta Hillerdal

Table of contents (14 articles)

  1. Introduction
  2. “The Old Village”: Yup’ik Precontact Archaeology and Community-Based Research at the Nunalleq Site, Quinhagak, Alaska
  3. Les pointes de projectiles polies du site de Nunalleq (village d’Agaligmiut), sud-ouest de l’Alaska : Une nouvelle approche des Bow-and-Arrow Wars chez les Yupiit
  4. The Fabric of Basketry: Initial Archaeological Study of the Grass Artifacts Assemblage from the Nunalleq Site, Southwest Alaska
  5. Hunted and Honoured: Animal Representations in Precontact Masks from the Nunalleq Site, Southwest Alaska
  6. L’exploitation du bois de caribou chez les peuples yupiit pendant la période précontact (Nunalleq, GDN-248)
  7. Investigating the Utility of Birds in Precontact Yup’ik Subsistence: A Preliminary Analysis of the Avian Remains from Nunalleq
  8. Activity Areas or Conflict Episode? Interpreting the Spatial Patterning of Lice and Fleas at the Precontact Yup’ik Site of Nunalleq (Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries AD, Alaska)
  9. New Isotope Evidence for Diachronic and Site-Spatial Variation in Precontact Diet during the Little Ice Age at Nunalleq, Southwest Alaska
  10. Gender, Subsistence, Change, and Resilience in Quinhagak’s Present and Past
  11. Archaeologies of Climate Change: Perceptions and Prospects

Hors thème / Other Articles

  1. Community-Focused Language Documentation in Support of Language Education and Revitalization for St. Lawrence Island Yupik
  2. Labrador Inuttut Inverted Number Marking: Ongoing Questions
  3. In Memoriam: Michael E. Krauss, 1934–2019. Linguist, Humanist, and a Pioneer for Better World

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