
Volume 31, Number 1-2, 2007 Tchoukotka Chukotka Guest-edited by Yvon Csonka

Table of contents (36 articles)

  1. Le peuple yupik et ses voisins en Tchoukotka: huit décennies de changements accélérés
  2. The “priests” of East Cape: A religious movement on the Chukchi Peninsula during the 1920s and 1930s
  3. The end of “Eskimo land”: Yupik relocation in Chukotka, 1958-1959
  4. Uelen hunters and artists
  5. Changes in Soviet and post-Soviet Indigenous diets in Chukotka
  6. An ethnomycological approach to land use values in Chukotka
  7. Chukotka’s Indigenous intellectuals and subversion of Indigenous activism in the 1990s
  8. Post-Soviet structures, path-dependency and passivity in Chukotkan coastal villages
  9. Language, identities and ideologies of the past and present Chukotka

Notes de recherche / Short papers

  1. The diffusion of Chukchi “magic words” in Chukotkan and St. Lawrence Island Yupik folklore texts
  2. The trials and joys of comparative dictionary making
  3. Quelques données sur la langue tchouktche
  4. Yupik language teaching in Chukotka
  5. À propos du chant rituel tchouktche
  6. Savoirs et représentations du renne des Tchouktches éleveurs
  7. Some SLiCA project results from Chukotka

Current research in Chukotka by local researchers

  1. Introduction: Current research in Chukotka by local researchers
  2. Dialects in the Chukchi language
  3. Chukchi reindeer herding culture
  4. Chukchi traditional clothing as historical source of cultural transformation
  5. Ethnocultural processes among the Chukchi in the 20th century
  6. Traditional knowledge about polar bear in Chukotka


  1. Aboriginal peoples of Chukotka

Hors thème / Off theme

  1. Iñupiaq pride: Kivgiq (Messenger Feast) on the Alaskan North Slope

Essai bibliographique / Book review essay

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. FRINK, Lisa, Rita SHEPARD and Gregory A. REINHARDT (eds), 2002 Many Faces of Gender: Roles and Relationships through Time in Indigenous Northern Communities, Boulder, University Press of Colorado and Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 257 pages.
  2. KAISER, Ulrike, 2006 Die Inuit: Ein Volk der Arktis, Zurich, Verlag Pestalozzianum und Voelkerkundemuseum Zuerich, 142 pages (and a CD).
  3. KJaeRGAARD, Kathrine et Thorkild KJaeRGAARD, 2003 Nuummi Noorliit 1733-2003, Nuuk, Ilisimatusarfik, 146 pages. / KJaeRGAARD, Kathrine et Thorkild KJaeRGAARD, 2003 Ny Herrnhut i Nuuk 1733-2003, Nuuk, Ilisimatusarfik, 140 pages.
  4. Laugrand, Frédéric, Jarich Oosten and François Trudel (eds), 2006 Apostle to the Inuit: the journals and ethnographic notes of Edmund James Peck, the Baffin years, 1894-1905, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 498 pages.
  5. McCARTNEY, Allen P. (ed.), 2003 Indigenous Ways to the Present: Native Whaling in the Western Arctic, Edmonton, Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press.
  6. PLUMET, Patrick, 2004 Peuples du Grand Nord, tome I: Des mythes à la préhistoire, Paris, Éditions Errance, 322 pages. / PLUMET, Patrick, 2004 Peuples du Grand Nord, tome II: Vers l’«Esquimau»: Du mammouth à la baleine, Paris, Éditions Errance, 288 pages.
  7. STUCKENBERGER, Nicole, 2007 Thin Ice: Inuit Traditions Within a Changing Environment, Hanover, Hood Museum of Art and Dartmouth College, distributed by University Press of New England, 80 pages.
  8. VEBaeK, Mâliâraq, 2006 The Southernmost People of Greenland – Dialects and Memories. Qavaat – Oqalunneri Eqqaamassaallu, publié sous la direction de Birgitte Sonne avec une contribution de Birte H. Christensen sur la phonologie, Copenhague, Meddelelser om Grønland, Man and Society, 33, 235 pages (avec CD).
  1. Revue des revues
  2. Thèses / Dissertations

In Memoriam

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