Born 15 August, 1934. Married in 1962 to Jane Lowell (1934-2003), six children. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969-70 (linguistic theory). University of Iceland 1958-60, Baccalaureatus philologiae Islandicae 1960. Harvard University 1957-58, Ph.D. 1959 (linguistics and Celtic, dissertation “Studies in Irish Gaelic Phonology and Orthography”). Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1956-57, Research Fellow. University of Paris 1955-56, Certificat d’études supérieures 1956. Columbia University 1954-55, M.A. 1955 (linguistics and Romance philology). Western Reserve University 1953-54, B.A. 1954 (Romance languages). University of Chicago 1950-53, B.A. 1953 (liberal arts). State of Alaska, Governor’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Humanities, 2002. Alaska Humanities Forum, Distinguished Humanist of the Year 1981. National Endowment for the Humanities grants, principal investigator: research for and preparation of major dictionaries of eleven Alaska Native Languages, 1978-1983; for development of Yupik Eskimo Teaching Grammar, 1969; Alaska Native Writers Project, 1974-76; Alaska Native Language Center Library Catalog 1976-1977, 1981-82. National Science Foundation research grants, principal investigator: basic research on Athabaskan and Eyak linguistics in Alaska 1961-68; St. Lawrence Island Yupik 1970-71; Alaskan Dictionary Project 1978-81 and 1982-84. Fulbright Travel and Study Grant, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, 1958-60. Halldór Kiljan Laxness Fellowship, Scandinavian-American Foundation, for study in Iceland, 1958-59. George C. Shattuck Fellowship, Harvard University, 1957-58. Research Fellowship, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1956-57 (fieldwork on Inis Meadhóin, Co. Galway). Boursier du Gouvernement français, 1955-56. Minority/Endangered/Northern languages; Language Policies and Political Context; Documentation and Preservation of Languages; Historical Records and Resources. Celtic (especially Irish Gaelic); Scandinavian (especially Icelandic and Faroese); Eyak; Athabaskan (especially Tanana, Han, and all other Alaskan; Comparative Athabaskan; Tsetsaut, Beaver, Chilcotin, Kwalhioqua-Tlatskanai,Plains Apache); Eskimo-Aleut (especially Central Siberian Yupik, Naukan, Sirenikski; Kurile Aleut) Fieldwork survey of Alaskan Athabaskan languages 1961-63 and occasionally since; fieldwork on and analysis of Eyak, 1963-; much unpublished material and study on Athabaskan, comparative Athabaskan, and Eyak; preparation of the Eyak Texts and Eyak Dictionary occupied most of research time 1963-69. Fieldwork on St. Lawrence Island Yupik 1971-2 and occasionally since; fieldwork on Naukan Yupik 1985, 1996. Research on and teaching of Eskimo at the University of Alaska, 1961-1963, occasionally since; program being continued and further developed by E.I. Reed, S.A. Jacobson, and others. Since 1970 involvement in statewide programs in support of all Alaska Native Languages, administrative, organizational, and political work, resulting in bilingual education legislation, creation of Alaska Native Language Center, development of orthographies and beginning literatures; literacy workshops throughout Alaska for Tlingit, Haida, Athabaskans, Eskimos, Aleuts; training of Alaska Natives for professional level work with own languages; coordination with work in Denmark-Greenland, Canada, and USSR/Russia. Assembling and archiving, and bibliographical work on comprehensive collection of all materials, published and unpublished, in or on Alaska Native languages. Coordinator of exchange of Eskimo-Aleut language materials with U.S.S.R. (ACLS-ANSSSR), academic and diplomatic work for reestablishing communication between Soviet and Alaskan Eskimos. Editor, Alaska Native Language Center Research Papers, seven volumes published 1979-1985. Principal Investigator and general editor, major dictionaries of Alaskan languages (Central Yup'ik, Alutiiq, Siberian Yupik, Aleut, Inupiaq, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Koyukon, Ahtna, Tanaina), in progress. Founding Chair, Linguistic Society of America Committee on Endangered Languages 1991-1994. KRAUSS, Michael E. 1964 Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak and the Problem of Na-Dene I: Phonology, International Journal of American Linguistics, 30: 118-131. 1965 Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak and the Problem of Na-Dene II: Morphology, International Journal of American Linguistics, 31: 18-28. 1965 Eyak: a Preliminary Report, Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 10: 167-186. 1968 Noun-classification Systems in Athabaskan, Eyak, Tlingit, and Haida Verbs, International Journal of American Linguistics, 34: 193-203. 1969 On the Classifiers in the Athabaskan, Eyak, and Tlingit Verb, Baltimore, Waverly Press, Indiana University Publications in Anthropology …