
Volume 26, Number 2, 2002 Populations et migrations Populations and Migrations

Table of contents (19 articles)

  1. The rise of an Alaskan Native bourgeoisie
  2. Uiarnerit. A historical study of immigration from East to West Greenland in the nineteenth century
  3. Greenland’s demography, 1700-2000: The interplay of economic activities and religion
  4. Reconsidering Inuit presence in southern Labrador
  5. Les tuurngait dans le Nunavik occidental contemporain
  6. Protecting the authenticity and integrity of inuksuit within the arctic milieu

Notes de recherches / Short papers

  1. Social dimensions of geographic disorientation in Arctic Alaska
  2. Échange commercial et usages monétaires non-marchands dans le cadre du programme d’aide aux chasseurs du Nunavik

Recensions / Book reviews

  1. Christensen, Birthe H. 2001 Dialekten i Sydvestgrønland: en grønlandsk i-dialekt. Eskimologis Skrifter, nr. 16, Københavns Universitet, 87 pages [The Dialect in South West Greenland: A Greenlandic i-dialect. Papers from the Department of Eskimology no. 16, University of Copenhagen].
  2. Guldager, Ole, Steffen Stummann Hansen and Simon Gleie 2002 Medieval Farmsteads in Greenland — The Brattahlid region 1999-2000, Copenhagen, Danish Polar Center.
  3. Hallendy, Norman 2001 Inuksuit, Silent Messengers of the Arctic, Douglas and McIntyre, University of Washington Press, Vancouver and Toronto, Seattle, 127 p.
  4. Jacobson, Steven A. 2001 A Practical Grammar of the St. Lawrence Island / Siberian Yupik Eskimo Language. Second Edition. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. xii + 216 pages.
  5. Krupnik, Igor and Dyanna Jolly (eds) 2002 The Earth is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change. Fairbanks: Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS). xxvii, figures, photos, maps, tables, appendix. 356 pages.
  6. Turner, Lucien M. 2001 [1894] Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory, Introduction de Stephen Loring. Montréal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, xxxii + 190 pages, photos et figures.
  7. Van Deusen Kira 209The Flying Tiger: Women Shamans and Storytellers of the Amur, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montréal and Kingston, xxii + 260 pages.
  8. von Finckenstein, Maria (ed.) 2002 Nuvisavik: The place where we weave. Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization; Montréal and Kingston; McGill-Queen’s University Press, Seattle, University of Washington Press. ix + 202 pages, biographies with photographs of artists and weavers, 51 illustrations in colour of artist’s prints and the tapestries, references, index.
  9. Weinstein, Charles Arctique Extrême. Les Tchouktches du détroit de Béring, Éditions Autrement, Collection Monde n° 117.
  1. Thèses / Dissertations
  2. In memoriam: Alexander Edward Spalding (1923-2002)

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