Études françaises

Managing editor(s): Stéphane Vachon



Established in 1965 in the Department of French Studies (renamed in 2003 Department of Literatures in French Language) at the University of Montreal, Études françaises is a literary critics and theory journal addressing an international readership, its mandate encompassing the whole of French-language literatures history and territory.

Open to dialogues with other discourses – arts, media, history, social sciences and humanities – it often adopts interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives. For over thirty years, the emergence in its issues of new problematics did not break up with the humanist spirit that presided over its foundation: the promotion of the literary text study set in the cultural history context.

Études françaises publishes three issues annually, composed of a “File” promoting an in-depth reflection around a problematics and of free articles, the “Reading Exercises”, reporting the diversity of the current works and providing an essential place for the diffusion of the emerging research. It addresses the specialists in French, Quebec and francophone literature and anybody interested in literature.


America : History and Life

Arlima (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge)

ArticleFirst (OCLC)

Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Bibliographie de la littérature française (BLF)

Bibliographie der Französischen Literaturwissenschaft (Klapp)

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

Current Contents — Arts & Humanities

Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus

EBSCOhost EJS (Electronic Journals Service)

EBSCOhost (plateforme) 

Google Scholar

Historical Abstracts

IBZ Online (Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur)

Index Religiosus


Iter : Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance

Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)

Literary Reference Center Plus

Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies (Brepolis)

MLA International Bibliography


Pascal et Francis (libre accès)


PrimoCentral Index

ProQuest (plateforme) 


RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

Scopus (Elsevier BV)

Sociological Abstracts

Summum (CDI — Ex Libris Central Discovery Index)

Web of Science (plateforme) 


Worldwide Political Science Abstracts



Journal's Site : http://revue-etudesfrancaises.umontreal.ca/​

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/revueetudesfrancaises/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Revue_EtudFra

Email : revue.etfra@gmail.com

Postal address :

Revue Études françaises
Département des littératures de langue française
Faculté des arts et des sciences
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec)
H3C 3J7


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal's editor: pum@umontreal.ca

Print version subscription:

Email: pum@umontreal.ca

Phone: (514) 343-6933

Back issues (173 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Editorial Policy

Submitting an Article

Each issue of Études françaises consists of a dossier focusing on a specific research topic. However, the journal is always open to free articles for publication outside these dossiers under the section "Exercices de lecture." These articles, whether dealing with literary research, history or theory, sometimes take on a more essayistic form but are consistently informed by reflections on works or current issues shaping the study of French-language literatures.

Like the "dossiers," the "exercices de lecture" undergo a rigorous peer-review process. The direction and/or the editorial board ensure that the submitted articles meet the formal, ethical, and scientific requirements of the journal. The articles are then anonymously evaluated by two external experts (who remain anonymous to the authors). These experts are asked to give their opinion considering:

  • The originality of the approach and/or the subject;
  • The rigor and clarity of the arguments;
  • The quality of the writing;
  • The richness and relevance of the documentation;
  • The contribution of the article to the field of study to which it belongs.

They then provide their overall opinion: the article is to be published without restrictions; to be published with requests for minor revisions; to be revised (major revisions required, and resubmission); to be rejected. In case of conflicting opinions, a third evaluation is requested. Ultimately, it is the Direction and/or the editorial board that makes the final decision.

These texts, not exceeding a maximum of thirty-five thousand characters (including spaces), must be formatted according to the journal's writing protocol and sent to the journal's editorial team via email (revue.etfra@gmail.com). They must be accompanied by an abstract of approximately one thousand characters in French and English, as well as a biobibliographical note (about seven hundred and fifty characters) specifying the author's professional affiliation and main publications. The journal strives to respond to authors within a period of three months.


Submitting a Dossier

Proposals for thematic dossiers should be sent to the journal's editorial team via email (revue.etfra@gmail.com) and include the following elements:

  • A clear description of the objectives, problematic, and originality of the dossier;
  • A list of potential contributors specifying their professional affiliation;
  • A detailed summary and the title (even if provisional) of each article;
  • A table of contents specifying the order of the articles.

A dossier typically consists of seven or eight, or even nine, articles, each about fifteen pages long (thirty-five thousand characters including spaces). It is recommended that the professional affiliation of the contributors be diversified. All proposed contributions must be unpublished. The journal does not publish conference proceedings.

The "Presentation" of a dossier remains a highly structured exercise: it must offer a series of definitions as well as a state of research (not just bibliographic) related to its approach(es) and its subject(s). It should outline the approach of the issue, its spirit, its ideas, its intentions, its originality.
Its second part should describe, in a balanced manner, each contribution according to their order in the dossier, focusing as much on their interpretive perspectives as on the main thread of the overall demonstration.
The "Presentation" must have its own conclusion (which cannot be a description of the last article), revisiting the theme(s), the main question(s), their treatment, the advancements, and the originality of the dossier.

Each dossier proposal is reviewed by the editorial board, which either accepts or rejects it. The editorial board might suggest certain changes or corrections to the proposal. Should that be the case, the revised proposal must be resubmitted for a second evaluation. The journal strives to respond to proposals within a period of three months.

The journal will communicate to the organizers of an accepted proposal the precise list of items to be provided: in addition to the texts of the articles formatted according to the writing protocol, abstracts of these articles in French and English (one thousand characters each), a biobibliographical note for each author (about seven hundred and fifty characters), a summary of the issue (maximum of one thousand five hundred characters), and perhaps one or a few proposals for the cover illustration of the issue. The journal will establish a schedule with the organizers, outlining the various stages of production leading to the publication of the issue.

The acceptance of a dossier proposal in no way guarantees publication, the dossiers being fully subject to anonymous evaluation by at least two external experts (who remain anonymous to the authors). These experts, along with each member of the editorial board, are asked to evaluate:

  • The coherence and general interest of the dossier;
  • The scientific quality of the articles;
  • The writing quality of the whole.

They also evaluate the "Presentation" of the dossier and each article based on:

  • The originality of the approach and/or the subject;
  • The rigor and clarity of the argument;
  • The quality of the writing;
  • The richness and relevance of the documentation;
  • The contribution of the article to the field of study to which it belongs.

They provide their general opinion on each text, whether it is to be published without restrictions; to be published with requests for minor revisions; to be revised (major revisions required, and resubmission); or to be rejected. The journal strives to respond to the dossiers it receives within a period of three or four months.


Writing Protocol


Études françaises only publishes unpublished articles. The journal does not charge authors any publication fees (Article Processing Charges/APC).




The authors transfer their rights to the Presses de l’Université de Montréal and the journal Études françaises.

Études françaises systematically grants authors the possibility to reproduce an article it has published, provided that a written request is submitted to the journal (revue.etfra@gmail.com) and that the authors accurately cite the complete reference of the original version published by the journal in the reissue.

Authors commit to respecting a twelve-month delay period from the date of their articles being made available on the Érudit platform before disseminating them in an institutional repository, on their personal webpage, or in any other repository. Études françaises asks them to deposit the PDF version published by the Presses de l’Université de Montréal.



Research Ethics

Études françaises is guided by the principles of responsible and ethical conduct in research as defined by the Université de Montréal and the following institution:

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Université de Montréal: crr.umontreal.ca/a-propos/bcrr (normative texts)

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): publicationethics.org

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI)

Université de Montréal: umontreal.ca/diversite

Government of Canada: nserc-crsng.gc.ca/InterAgency-Interorganismes/EDI-EDI/index_eng.asp

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/about-au_sujet/edi/index-eng.aspx

Declaration on Good Editorial Practices

The author guarantees the originality and intellectual integrity of their work.

Originality: the author ensures that their article has not already been published in another journal, by another publisher, or online; and that they have not submitted their manuscript for evaluation by another publisher or another journal.

Integrity: the author commits to properly citing their sources according to the best current standards when reproducing passages and when supporting their reasoning with the work of colleagues.

The author must declare any potential conflicts of interest, whether professional, financial, or other, in situations that could be perceived or considered as exerting undue influence on the publication of their own work or that of their colleagues.

The author must notify the journal's management if they identify a significant error in their article; they commit to collaborating with the journal's editorial team to correct the situation (which can range from publishing a correction notice to withdrawing the text).

If contacted by the journal after the publication of their article following the discovery of a significant error, the author promptly submits either their corrections or proof of the accuracy of their original article. Any breach of the principles of responsible and ethical research conduct, or any conflict of interest, must be reported to the journal's secretariat (revue.etfra@gmail.com), which will immediately inform the director. Allegations of research misconduct are handled by the editorial committee in strict confidence. If a breach is confirmed, the journal's management informs the concerned person by email.


“The true plagiarist is he who gives the works of another for his own, who inserts in his rhapsodies long passages from a good book a little modified. The enlightened reader, seeing this patch of cloth of gold upon a blanket, soon detects the bungling purloiner.” (« Plagiarism », Voltaire, A Philosophical Dictionary, London, W. Dugdale, 1843, t. II, p. 319 col. 2).

Études françaises only publishes unpublished articles. It does not review articles that have already been published, are under review in another journal, or have been accepted for publication elsewhere. The journal rejects all forms of plagiarism and self-plagiarism and is aware of the resources provided by similarity detection software.

Editorial board


Stéphane Vachon (Université de Montréal)


Editorial Secretary

Fabrice C. Bergeron


Assistant to the Editorial Secretary

Raphaël Boudreau-Pineault


Editorial Board

Isabelle Arseneau (Université McGill)

Lucie Desjardins (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Ugo Dionne (Université de Montréal)

Michel Fournier (Université d'Ottawa)

Barbara Havercroft (Université de Toronto)

Claire Legendre (Université de Montréal)


International Scientific Board

Marie-Andrée Beaudet (Université Laval)

Bruno Blanckeman (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet (Sorbonne Université)

Antoine Compagnon (Académie française)

Benoît Denis (Université de Liège)

Philippe Desan (Université de Chicago)

Marc Escola (Université de Lausanne)

Samia Kassab-Charfi (Université de Tunis)

Françoise Lionnet (Université Harvard)

Florence Lotterie (Université Paris Cité)

Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Université de la Sarre)

Janet M. Paterson (Université de Toronto)

Lucie Robert (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Alain Vaillant (Université Paris Nanterre)