The articles of this thematic issue of Ethnologies deal with the politics and the practices of intangible cultural heritage in a comparative and international perspective, bringing together scholars from Canada, the United States, Brazil, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland and Iceland. Specialists in cultural studies, oral traditions, social anthropology, cultural history, historical archaeology, and museum studies address the issues raised by the policies, politics, processes and practices by this new category of heritage largely created in the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, entered into force in 2006 and now ratified by 167 countries. Critical of narrow technocratic approaches, the authors strive to flesh out the meaning of this new convention and what it will do or not do for intangible heritage and heritage more generally. They examine the practices of the Convention itself, such as the listing of elements of ICH and the impact of this practice on communities, museums and tourism. The hope is that their contributions will help better understand the complex and capacious interactions between policy, process and practice in the field of intangible cultural heritage, which is often qualified as the least developed aspect of postcolonial research. The work on this theme began when I was the William Lyon McKenzie King Visiting Professor in Canadian Studies at the Weatherhead Center of Harvard University. The Convention had just recently entered into force and, because of my strong interest in heritage, tangible and intangible, I was wondering why Canada and the United States had not ratified it. It seemed to me that intangible cultural heritage (oral traditions, traditional knowledge, rituals, festivals, song, music, dance) could greatly enhance the meaning of tangible heritage (buildings, sites, landscapes, routes, objects) and thus contribute to providing a richer, more complete, dynamic, and inclusive vision and practice of cultural heritage. I was aware of the strong impact that the 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, ratified by both Canada and the United States, had had on the preservation and recognition of natural and historic sites in Canada and abroad, and could not help but think that this new convention could have an equally positive effect on living traditions. I organized a seminar and a conference on the topic and invited scholars from Canada and the United States to take stock of the different perspectives on the topic, namely Richard Kurin, who had been an advisor to the American government on the Convention, and Gerald Pocius, who had drawn up a position paper on the subject for the Canadian government. (Kurin and Pocius in this volume). I continued thinking about ICH legislation and organizing seminars and conferences on the theme. The year following the seminar at Harvard University, my Canada Research Chair in Intangible Heritage co-organized in Quebec City the joint Folklore Studies Association Annual Meeting and the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting on the challenges of intangible cultural heritage for folklore scholars. Shortly thereafter, I chaired the 16th ICOMOS General Assembly Scientific Symposium on the theme of “ Finding the Spirit of Place: Between the Intangible and the Tangible”, leading to the Quebec City Declaration on the Preservation of the Spirit of Place, adopted on October 4th, 2008. The co-organization in 2010 of the Annual Meeting of the Société des musées québécois gave the opportunity to investigate the potentialities of intangible cultural heritage for museums. These efforts and many others contributed to having intangible cultural heritage integrated into the new law on cultural heritage in the province of Quebec in 2012. Quebec is the first Canadian province to introduce intangible …
- Aikawa-Faure, Noriko, 2009, “From the Proclamation of Masterpieces to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.” In Laurajane Smith and Natsuko Akagawa (eds.), Intangible Heritage: 13-44. London and New York, Routledge.
- Alivizatou, Marilena, 2001, “Intangible Heritage and Erasure: Rethinking Cultural Preservationand Contemporary Museum Practice.” International Journal of Cultural Property, 18: 37-60.
- Auzas, Vincent and Van Troi Tran, 2010, “Sens et sensibilité: matrice patrimoniale.” In Vincent Auzas and Van Troi Tran (eds.), Patrimoines sensibles: 6-13. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Bendix, Regina, Aditya Eggert and Arnika Peselmann, 2012, “Introduction: Heritage Regimes and the State.” In Regina Bendix, Aditya Eggert and Arnika Peselmann (eds.), Heritage Regimes and the State: 11-20, Gottingen, Universitatsverlag Gottingen, p. 11-20.
- Bergeron, Yves, 2013, “La loi québécoise sur le patrimoine culturel face à la protection du PCI.” In Leila Lankarani et Francette Fines (eds.), Le patrimoine culturel immatériel et les collectivités infraétatiques: 171-184, Paris, Éditions A. Pedone.
- Berliner, David and Chiara Bortolotto, 2013, “Le monde selon UNESCO.” Gradhiva, 18: 5-21.
- Bortolotto, Chiara, 2011, “Le trouble du patrimoine culturel immatériel.” In Chiara Bortolotto (ed.), Le patrimoine culturel immatériel : Enjeux d’une nouvelle catégorie: 21-43. Paris, Maison des sciences de l’homme.
- Blake, Janet, 2009, “UNESCO’s 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Implications of Community Involvement in Safeguarding.” In Laurajane Smith and Natsuko Akagawa (eds.), Intangible Heritage: 45-73. London and New York, Routledge.
- Chaumier, Serge and Aude Porcedda (eds.), 2011, Musées et développement durable. Paris, La Documentation française.
- Constance Classen and David Howes, 2006, “The Museum as Sensescape: Western Sensibilities and Indigenous Artifacts.” In Elizabeth Edwards, Chris Gosden and Ruth Phillips (eds.), Sensible Objects: Colonialism, Museums and Material Culture: 199-222. Oxford, Berg.
- Durantaye, Michel de la, 2010, “Les politiques patrimoniales et culturelles du Québec.” In André Charbonneau and Laurier Turgeon (eds.), Patrimoines et identités en Amérique française: 33-41. Quebec City, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Corsane, Gerard and Aron Mazel, 2012, “Looking to the Future: The encompass Project as a Way Forward for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.” In Michelle Stefano, Peter Davis and Gerard Corsane (eds.), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: 247-262. Woodbridge, Boydell Press.
- Fabre, Daniel, 2013, “Le patrimoine porté par l’émotion.” In Daniel Fabre (ed.), Émotions patrimoniales: 13-98. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
- Fairchild Ruggles, David et al., 2009, “From Tangible to Intangible Heritage.” in David Fairchild Ruggles and Helaine Silverman (eds.), Intangible Heritage Embodied: 1-14. New York, Springer.
- Grandmont, Gérald, 2010, “Pour une nouvelle loi du patrimoine culturel.” In André Charbonneau and Laurier Turgeon (eds.), Patrimoines et identités en Amérique française: 25-32. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Heinich, Nathalie, 2009, La fabrique du patrimoine. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
- Herzfeld, Michael, 2005, Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State (2nd edition). New York, Routledge.
- Jackson, Anthony and Jenny Kidd (eds.), 2011, Performing Heritage: Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum theatre and Live Interpretation. Manchester, Manchester University Press.
- Jadé, Mariannick, 2005, “Le patrimoine immatériel, quels enjeux pour les musées?.” La Lettre du Comité national français, 29: 14.
- Jarvis, Dale, 2015, “Reframing and Extending Tradition: ICH and Public Folklore in NL.” Volkskunde 115(3): 361-377.
- Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 2006, “World Heritage and Cultural Economics.” In Ivan Karp et al. (ed.), Museum Frictions : Public Cultures/Global Transformations : 161-202. Durham and London, Duke University Press.
- Lazzarotti, Olivier, 2009, Patrimoine et tourisme. Paris, Belin.
- Mackinnon, Richard, 2014, “The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH and Its Implication for Sustaining Culture in Nova Scotia.” In Michelle Stefano et al. (eds.), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: 152-164. London, Boydell and Brewer, p. 153-164.
- Richards, Greg, 2007, “Global Trends in Cultural Tourism.” In Greg Richards (ed.), Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives: 1-19. New York and London, Haworth Press.
- Richards, Greg and Julie Wilson, 2007, Tourism, Creativity and Development. New York, Routledge.
- Robinson, Mike and David Picard, 2006, Tourisme, culture et développement durable. Paris, UNESCO.
- Skounti, Ahmed, 2009, “The Authentic Illusion: Humanity’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Moroccan Experience.” In Laurajane Smith and Natsuko Akagawa (eds.), Intangible Heritage: 74-92. London and New York, Routledge.
- Smith, Melanie and Mike Robinson (eds.), 2006, Cultural Tourism in a Changing World. Clevedon, Channel View Publications.
- Stefano, Michelle, Peter Davis and Gerard Corsane, 2012, “Touching the Intangible: An Introduction.” In Michelle Stefano, Peter Davis and Gerard Corsane (eds.), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: 1-8. Woodbridge, Boydell Press.
- Turgeon, Laurier, 2010, “Vers une muséologie de l’immatériel.” Musées, 29: 8-16.
- Turgeon, Laurier, 2009, “Spirit of Place : Evolving Heritage Concepts and Practices / L’esprit du lieu: pour mieux penser et pratiquer le patrimoine culturel.” In Laurier Turgeon (ed.), L’esprit du lieu: entre le patrimoine matériel et immatériel: 1-47. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Aikawa-Faure, Noriko, 2009, « From the Proclamation of Masterpieces to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage ». Dans Laurajane Smith et Natsuko Akagawa (dir.), Intangible Heritage : 13-44. Londres et New York, Routledge.
- Alivizatou, Marilena, 2001, « Intangible Heritage and Erasure: Rethinking Cultural Preservation and Contemporary Museum Practice », International Journal of Cultural Property, 18 : 37-60.
- Auzas, Vincent and Van Troi Tran, 2010, « Sens et sensibilité : matrice patrimoniale ». Dans Vincent Auzas et Van Troi Tran (dir.), Patrimoines sensibles : 6-13. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Bendix, Regina, Aditya Eggert et Arnika Peselmann, 2012, « Introduction: Heritage Regimes and the State ». Dans Regina Bendix, Aditya Eggert et Arnika Peselmann (dir.), Heritage Regimes and the State : 11-20., Gottingen, Universitatsverlag Gottingen.
- Bergeron, Yves, 2013, « La loi québécoise sur le patrimoine culturel face à la protection du PCI ». Dans Leila Lankarani et Francette Fines (dir.), Le patrimoine culturel immatériel et les collectivités infraétatiques : 171-184. Paris, Éditions A. Pedone, p. 171-184.
- Berliner, David et Chiara Bortolotto, 2013, « Le monde selon UNESCO », Gradhiva, 18 : 5-21.
- Bortolotto, Chiara, 2011, « Le trouble du patrimoine culturel immatériel ». Dans Chiara Bortolotto (dir.), Le patrimoine culturel immatériel : Enjeux d’une nouvelle catégorie : 21-43. Paris, Maison des sciences de l’homme.
- Blake, Janet, 2009, « UNESCO’s 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage : The Implications of Community Involvement in Safeguarding ». Dans Laurajane Smith et Natsuko Akagawa (dir.), Intangible Heritage : 45-73. Londres et New York, Routledge.
- Chaumier, Serge et Aude Porcedda (dir.), 2011, Musées et développement durable. Paris, La Documentation française.
- Constance Classen et David Howes, 2006, « The Museum as Sensescape: Western Sensibilities and Indigenous Artifacts ». Dans Elizabeth Edwards, Chris Gosden et Ruth Phillips (dir.), Sensible Objects: Colonialism, Museums and Material Culture : 199-222. Oxford, Berg.
- Corsane, Gerard et Aron Mazel, 2012, « Looking to the Future: The encompass Project as a Way Forward for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage ». Dans Michelle Stefano, Peter Davis and Gerard Corsane (dir.), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage : 247-262. Woodbridge, Boydell Press.
- Durantaye, Michel de La, 2010, « Les politiques patrimoniales et culturelles du Québec ». Dans André Charbonneau et Laurier Turgeon (dir.), Patrimoines et identités en Amérique française : 33-41. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 33-41.
- Fabre, Daniel, 2013, « Le patrimoine porté par l’émotion ». Dans Daniel Fabre (dir.), Émotions patrimoniales : 13-98. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme. P. 13-98.
- Fairchild Ruggles, David et al., 2009, « From Tangible to Intangible Heritage ». Dans David Fairchild Ruggles et Helaine Silverman (dir.), Intangible Heritage Embodied : 1-14. New York, Springer.
- Grandmont, Gérald, 2010, « Pour une nouvelle loi du patrimoine culturel ». Dans André Charbonneau et Laurier Turgeon (dir.), Patrimoines et identités en Amérique française : 25-32. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Heinich, Nathalie, 2009, La fabrique du patrimoine. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
- Herzfeld, Michael, 2005, Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State (2e édition). New York, Routledge.
- Jackson, Anthony et Jenny Kidd (dir.), 2011, Performing Heritage: Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum theatre and Live Interpretation, Manchester, Manchester University Press.
- Jadé, Mariannick, 2005, « Le patrimoine immatériel, quels enjeux pour les musées? », La Lettre du Comité national français, 29 : 14.
- Jarvis, Dale, 2015, « Reframing and Extending Tradition: ICH and Public Folklore in NL », Volkskunde, 115(3) : 361-377.
- Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 2006, « World Heritage and Cultural Economics ». Dans Ivan Karp et al. (dir.), Museum Frictions : Public Cultures / Global Transformations : 161-202. Durham et Londres, Duke University Press.
- Lazzarotti, Olivier, 2009, Patrimoine et tourisme. Paris, Belin.
- Mackinnon, Richard, 2014, « The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH and Its Implication for Sustaining Culture in Nova Scotia ». Dans Michelle Stefano et al. (dir.), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage : 153-164. Londres, Boydell et Brewer.
- Richards, Greg, 2007, « Global Trends in Cultural Tourism ». Dans Greg Richards (dir.), Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives : 1-19. New York et Londres, Haworth Press.
- Richards, Greg et Julie Wilson, 2007, Tourism, Creativity and Development. New York, Routledge.
- Robinson, Mike et David Picard, 2006, Tourisme, culture et développement durable, Paris, UNESCO.
- Skounti, Ahmed, 2009, « The Authentic Illusion: Humanity’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Moroccan Experience ». Dans Laurajane Smith et Natsuko Akagawa (dir.), Intangible Heritage : 74-92. Londres et New York, Routledge.
- Smith, Melanie et Mike Robinson (dir.), 2006, Cultural Tourism in a Changing World. Clevedon, Channel View Publications.
- Stefano, Michelle, Peter Davis et Gerard Corsane, 2012, « Touching the Intangible: An Introduction ». Dans Michelle Stefano, Peter Davis et Gerard Corsane (dir.), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage : 1-8. Woodbridge, Boydell Press.
- Turgeon, Laurier, 2010, « Vers une muséologie de l’immatériel », Musées, 29 : 8-16.
- Turgeon, Laurier, 2009, « Spirit of Place : Evolving Heritage Concepts and Practices / L’esprit du lieu: pour mieux penser et pratiquer le patrimoine culturel ». Dans Laurier Turgeon (dir.), L’esprit du lieu: entre le patrimoine matériel et immatériel : 1-47. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.