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Koven, Mikel J. "Appalachian Journey. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min. / Cajun Country: Don’t Drop the Potato. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998.60 min. / Dreams and Songs of the Noble Old. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998.60 min. / Jazz Parades: Feet Don’t Fait Me Now. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min. / Land Where the Blues Began. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min." Ethnologies, volume 22, number 1, 2000, p. 272–276.
Koven, M. J. (2000). Review of [Appalachian Journey. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min. / Cajun Country: Don’t Drop the Potato. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998.60 min. / Dreams and Songs of the Noble Old. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998.60 min. / Jazz Parades: Feet Don’t Fait Me Now. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min. / Land Where the Blues Began. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min.] Ethnologies, 22(1), 272–276.
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Koven, Mikel J. "Appalachian Journey. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min. / Cajun Country: Don’t Drop the Potato. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998.60 min. / Dreams and Songs of the Noble Old. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998.60 min. / Jazz Parades: Feet Don’t Fait Me Now. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min. / Land Where the Blues Began. American Patchwork Series. Vestapol Production, 1998. 60 min.". Ethnologies 22, no. 1 (2000) : 272–276.
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