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Niessen, Sandra A. "Cloth that does not die: The Meaning of Cloth in Bunu Social Life. By Elisha P. Renne. (Seattle and Washington: University of Washington Press, 1995. Pp XXI + 269, 34 illus., 9 in colour, map, tables, notes, appendix, glossary, bibliography index, US $40.00, ISBN: 0-295-97392-7, cloth.)." Ethnologies, volume 21, number 2, 1999, p. 206–209.
Niessen, S. A. (1999). Review of [Cloth that does not die: The Meaning of Cloth in Bunu Social Life. By Elisha P. Renne. (Seattle and Washington: University of Washington Press, 1995. Pp XXI + 269, 34 illus., 9 in colour, map, tables, notes, appendix, glossary, bibliography index, US $40.00, ISBN: 0-295-97392-7, cloth.)]. Ethnologies, 21(2), 206–209.
- Chicago
Niessen, Sandra A. "Cloth that does not die: The Meaning of Cloth in Bunu Social Life. By Elisha P. Renne. (Seattle and Washington: University of Washington Press, 1995. Pp XXI + 269, 34 illus., 9 in colour, map, tables, notes, appendix, glossary, bibliography index, US $40.00, ISBN: 0-295-97392-7, cloth.)". Ethnologies 21, no. 2 (1999) : 206–209.
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