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Klymasz, Robert B. "Luba BILASH, Ukrainian Immigrant Songs (added title in Ukrainian: “Slid po zhuravliakh” [ = In the path of flying crânes] [1992]. One audio-cassette (LV 7891) with notes, photo of singer, and separate insert sheet with fourteen song-texts in Ukrainian and English translation. Recorded at Dyvo Studios, Kiev, Ukraine, with subséquent editing and mixing at Damon/Soundtrack Studios in Edmonton, Canada. Produced and distributed by Luba Ventures, 3, 8616-115 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T5B 0L6." Ethnologies, volume 14, number 2, 1992, p. 213–215.
Klymasz, R. B. (1992). Review of [Luba BILASH, Ukrainian Immigrant Songs (added title in Ukrainian: “Slid po zhuravliakh” [ = In the path of flying crânes] [1992]. One audio-cassette (LV 7891) with notes, photo of singer, and separate insert sheet with fourteen song-texts in Ukrainian and English translation. Recorded at Dyvo Studios, Kiev, Ukraine, with subséquent editing and mixing at Damon/Soundtrack Studios in Edmonton, Canada. Produced and distributed by Luba Ventures, 3, 8616-115 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T5B 0L6.] Ethnologies, 14(2), 213–215.
- Chicago
Klymasz, Robert B. "Luba BILASH, Ukrainian Immigrant Songs (added title in Ukrainian: “Slid po zhuravliakh” [ = In the path of flying crânes] [1992]. One audio-cassette (LV 7891) with notes, photo of singer, and separate insert sheet with fourteen song-texts in Ukrainian and English translation. Recorded at Dyvo Studios, Kiev, Ukraine, with subséquent editing and mixing at Damon/Soundtrack Studios in Edmonton, Canada. Produced and distributed by Luba Ventures, 3, 8616-115 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T5B 0L6.". Ethnologies 14, no. 2 (1992) : 213–215.
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