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Waelder, Pau. "Extimacy: The Other in Me / Gazira Babeli, Clara Boj, Martin John Callanan, Grégory Chatonsky, Diego Díaz, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Laurent Mignonneau, Paul Sermon, Christa Sommerer, Carlo Zanni, Extimacy. Art, Intimacy and Technology, Es Baluard Contemporary Art Museum, Palma (Spain). January 29th – May 1st, 2011." ETC, number 93, june–july–august–september 2011, p. 52–54.
Waelder, P. (2011). Review of [Extimacy: The Other in Me / Gazira Babeli, Clara Boj, Martin John Callanan, Grégory Chatonsky, Diego Díaz, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Laurent Mignonneau, Paul Sermon, Christa Sommerer, Carlo Zanni, Extimacy. Art, Intimacy and Technology, Es Baluard Contemporary Art Museum, Palma (Spain). January 29th – May 1st, 2011]. ETC, (93), 52–54.
- Chicago
Waelder, Pau "Extimacy: The Other in Me / Gazira Babeli, Clara Boj, Martin John Callanan, Grégory Chatonsky, Diego Díaz, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Laurent Mignonneau, Paul Sermon, Christa Sommerer, Carlo Zanni, Extimacy. Art, Intimacy and Technology, Es Baluard Contemporary Art Museum, Palma (Spain). January 29th – May 1st, 2011". ETC no. 93 (2011) : 52–54.
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