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Campeau, Sylvain. "Sous le grotesque / Milutin Gubash, Do you know who you are and where you are from? Born Rich. Getting Poorer, Galerie Optica, Montréal. 31 octobre — 6 décembre 2008." ETC, number 86, june–july–august 2009, p. 44–45.
Campeau, S. (2009). Review of [Sous le grotesque / Milutin Gubash, Do you know who you are and where you are from? Born Rich. Getting Poorer, Galerie Optica, Montréal. 31 octobre — 6 décembre 2008]. ETC, (86), 44–45.
- Chicago
Campeau, Sylvain "Sous le grotesque / Milutin Gubash, Do you know who you are and where you are from? Born Rich. Getting Poorer, Galerie Optica, Montréal. 31 octobre — 6 décembre 2008". ETC no. 86 (2009) : 44–45.
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