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Zimmermann Brendel, Maria. "New Art from India / Monsoon Collection, Indian Embassy, Berlin, April 16 — May 5, 2008 / Frontlines: Notations from the Contemporary Indian Urban. Berlin, May 2 — June 1, 2008 / Shtlpa Gupta BlindStars StarsBlind. Berlin, June 14 — August 2, 2008 (both at GalleryBodhi, Berlin)." ETC, number 84, december 2008, january–february 2009, p. 49–52.
Zimmermann Brendel, M. (2008). Review of [New Art from India / Monsoon Collection, Indian Embassy, Berlin, April 16 — May 5, 2008 / Frontlines: Notations from the Contemporary Indian Urban. Berlin, May 2 — June 1, 2008 / Shtlpa Gupta BlindStars StarsBlind. Berlin, June 14 — August 2, 2008 (both at GalleryBodhi, Berlin)]. ETC, (84), 49–52.
- Chicago
Zimmermann Brendel, Maria "New Art from India / Monsoon Collection, Indian Embassy, Berlin, April 16 — May 5, 2008 / Frontlines: Notations from the Contemporary Indian Urban. Berlin, May 2 — June 1, 2008 / Shtlpa Gupta BlindStars StarsBlind. Berlin, June 14 — August 2, 2008 (both at GalleryBodhi, Berlin)". ETC no. 84 (2008) : 49–52.
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