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Rzadkiewicz, Joan. "Early Memory and the Reconditioned Object / Doris Salcedo, Robert Gober, Clay Ketter, Miroslaw Balka, Luc Tuymans, The Unthought Known, White Cube-Gallery, London. March 8 - April 13 2002." ETC, number 59, september–october–november 2002, p. 62–65.
Rzadkiewicz, J. (2002). Review of [Early Memory and the Reconditioned Object / Doris Salcedo, Robert Gober, Clay Ketter, Miroslaw Balka, Luc Tuymans, The Unthought Known, White Cube-Gallery, London. March 8 - April 13 2002]. ETC, (59), 62–65.
- Chicago
Rzadkiewicz, Joan "Early Memory and the Reconditioned Object / Doris Salcedo, Robert Gober, Clay Ketter, Miroslaw Balka, Luc Tuymans, The Unthought Known, White Cube-Gallery, London. March 8 - April 13 2002". ETC no. 59 (2002) : 62–65.
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