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Rzadkiewicz, Joan. "“I am a birch tree” / Pipilotti Rist, curator: Stéphane Aquin. Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. May 11 - August 6, 2000." ETC, number 52, december 2000, january–february 2001, p. 44–49.
Rzadkiewicz, J. (2000). Review of [“I am a birch tree” / Pipilotti Rist, curator: Stéphane Aquin. Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. May 11 - August 6, 2000]. ETC, (52), 44–49.
- Chicago
Rzadkiewicz, Joan "“I am a birch tree” / Pipilotti Rist, curator: Stéphane Aquin. Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. May 11 - August 6, 2000". ETC no. 52 (2000) : 44–49.
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