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Jackson, Merilyn. "A Network Choreographic Exploration / Isabelle Choinière, Communion, International Dance and Technology Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, February 26, 1999. La Mue de l’ange, Théâtre La Veillée, Montréal. October 13-23, 1999." ETC, number 48, december 1999, january–february 2000, p. 26–30.
Jackson, M. (1999). A Network Choreographic Exploration / Isabelle Choinière, Communion, International Dance and Technology Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, February 26, 1999. La Mue de l’ange, Théâtre La Veillée, Montréal. October 13-23, 1999. ETC, (48), 26–30.
- Chicago
Jackson, Merilyn "A Network Choreographic Exploration / Isabelle Choinière, Communion, International Dance and Technology Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, February 26, 1999. La Mue de l’ange, Théâtre La Veillée, Montréal. October 13-23, 1999". ETC no. 48 (1999) : 26–30.
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