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Wei, Lilly. "The World of Cosimo Cavallaro / Cosimo Cavallaro, No England/No Amsterdam II, Real Art Ways Gallery, Hartford (Connecticut). May 17 - July 6,1997." ETC, number 40, december 1997, january–february 1998, p. 48–49.
Wei, L. (1997). Review of [The World of Cosimo Cavallaro / Cosimo Cavallaro, No England/No Amsterdam II, Real Art Ways Gallery, Hartford (Connecticut). May 17 - July 6,1997]. ETC, (40), 48–49.
- Chicago
Wei, Lilly "The World of Cosimo Cavallaro / Cosimo Cavallaro, No England/No Amsterdam II, Real Art Ways Gallery, Hartford (Connecticut). May 17 - July 6,1997". ETC no. 40 (1997) : 48–49.
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