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Affleck, Gavin. "Perspectives on space-making / Exploring Rome: Piranesi and His Contemporaries, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal. August 17 1993 -January 4, 1994. / Michel Daigneault, Abstraite l'Abstrait, Galerie Christiane Chassay, Montreal. August 21 - September 12, 1993." ETC, number 26, may–august 1994, p. 27–30.
Affleck, G. (1994). Review of [Perspectives on space-making / Exploring Rome: Piranesi and His Contemporaries, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal. August 17 1993 -January 4, 1994. / Michel Daigneault, Abstraite l'Abstrait, Galerie Christiane Chassay, Montreal. August 21 - September 12, 1993]. ETC, (26), 27–30.
- Chicago
Affleck, Gavin "Perspectives on space-making / Exploring Rome: Piranesi and His Contemporaries, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal. August 17 1993 -January 4, 1994. / Michel Daigneault, Abstraite l'Abstrait, Galerie Christiane Chassay, Montreal. August 21 - September 12, 1993". ETC no. 26 (1994) : 27–30.
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