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Holubizky, Ihor. "Word For Word {a flesh wound}. A travelling exhibition for a hypothetical space : Doug Back, Joe Bodolai, Susan Schelle, Francesca Vivenza, Robert Watts. Summer 1989." ETC, number 8, summer 1989, p. 66–69.
Holubizky, I. (1989). Word For Word {a flesh wound}. A travelling exhibition for a hypothetical space : Doug Back, Joe Bodolai, Susan Schelle, Francesca Vivenza, Robert Watts. Summer 1989. ETC, (8), 66–69.
- Chicago
Holubizky, Ihor "Word For Word {a flesh wound}. A travelling exhibition for a hypothetical space : Doug Back, Joe Bodolai, Susan Schelle, Francesca Vivenza, Robert Watts. Summer 1989". ETC no. 8 (1989) : 66–69.
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