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Bowron, Alex. "Nep Sidhu, Medicine for a Nightmare (they called, we responded), Mercer Union, Toronto, Audain Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Nep Sidhu, Divine of Form, Formed in the Divine (Medicine for a Nightmare), Esker Foundation, Calgary." esse arts + opinions, number 98, winter 2020, p. 94–97.
Bowron, A. (2020). Review of [Nep Sidhu, Medicine for a Nightmare (they called, we responded), Mercer Union, Toronto, Audain Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Nep Sidhu, Divine of Form, Formed in the Divine (Medicine for a Nightmare), Esker Foundation, Calgary]. esse arts + opinions, (98), 94–97.
- Chicago
Bowron, Alex "Nep Sidhu, Medicine for a Nightmare (they called, we responded), Mercer Union, Toronto, Audain Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Nep Sidhu, Divine of Form, Formed in the Divine (Medicine for a Nightmare), Esker Foundation, Calgary". esse arts + opinions no. 98 (2020) : 94–97.
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